View Full Version : cooling blue tongued skinks?

09-29-03, 08:09 AM
Hi. I have a blue tongued skink who I have had for a few years now. This winter will be his fourth winter with me. Every winter I keep his cage warm and everything as normal. Of course, he still slows down considerably and really doesn't eat much during this time. I would like to know if anyone cools their blue tongues down during the winter, and if so, how do u go about it? Thanks

Dragons & Balls
09-29-03, 08:19 AM
good question...I have a proven breeding pair,and I am wondering the same thing?

09-30-03, 08:20 PM
Instructions on what I do are on my site under "breeding"

Craig Loose

10-01-03, 08:06 AM
Thanks, Tiliqua!

I went to your site and i have a couple of questions. During most of the year, my bts has a uvb bulb, a basking bulb, and an undertank heat mat. If I turn off the basking bulb in the winter and just use the uvb and uth, will that be good? Also, he usually eats twice a week, on wednesday and sunday. Should i reduce feeding to just sunday during this time? (with the uth on)?

Thanks for your help.


10-01-03, 01:21 PM
Hi Lisa,

First let me say......OOOooops!
The link on my site was directing to an OLD version of the breeding page.....It is fixed now.

I have found that BT's do much "better" ;) in the spring with a more complete brumation. (Better odds of female ovulating) Therefore, what I do now is a complete cool down to room temp, eliminating feedings entirely. (and housed apart)

Whichever method you try is up to you, but if you do cool them completely, feeding should be stopped a couple of weeks before temps hit the low point, so as not to leave undigested food in the animals system, which could rot.

If you leave the UTH on, be sure to check the temperatures so they can still digest.

Dragons & Balls
10-01-03, 02:27 PM
Thank you so much Tiliqua,your website was awesome and very helpful.