View Full Version : What would you do if you ran over a snake and it wasn't dead yet?
We were chatting over on RTB chat and the topic if injured FORs (found on road) came up. Which got me thinking... what would you do if you ran over a snake and it wasn't dead yet?
09-29-03, 01:35 AM
as much as I hate to say it I would put it out of it's misary If a vet was 2 blocks I might reconsider but in the country the animal will die B4 it gets to the vet and the whole ride it will have sufferd becaus I was to ignorent to face reality some times things just happen and there is nothing that can be done.
just imagine a tire will probebly crush 12-24 ribs and puncture almost if not all vital organs we are talking somthing that brutal pain and sufering why try when you know the out come B4 you even touch the snake.
But on the otehr hand if it has enugh fight to run I would chase it and catch it caus if it can move like that then maby there is still hope to saving it.
09-29-03, 10:00 AM
I agree with chondro python, i would do the same.
09-29-03, 10:07 AM
Go back and put it out of its misery! Because after it is run over I highly doubt it would survive.
09-29-03, 10:53 AM
I'd also go back...assuming that I noticed and there weren't people behind me who I'd crash into.
The whole situation reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld when George ran over the squirrel and his girlfriend made him take it to a vet to treat it, and it ended up costing him thousands of dollars.
09-29-03, 11:00 AM
I would pick it up and feed it to a monitor, providing it was not a hot.
I'd go back and put it out of it's misery. I couldn't just drive away and let it suffer.
09-29-03, 01:29 PM
End the suffering. It's not like you can put snakes in a cast to mend their broken bones.
Well, if only the end of its tail was run over it would still live, and I'd rescue it. Otherwise I would put it out of its misery.
I'd do the same as Zoe, myself.
09-29-03, 03:49 PM
Depending on how badly the snake was injured...if it had hope, I'd rescue it (IE: tail run over), but, if it was beyond hope, I'd put it out of its misery, why have it suffer needlessly?
09-29-03, 03:54 PM
If I could drive in the first place, then I too would go back and put it out of it's misery.
09-29-03, 04:07 PM
i would put it out of its misery if it was beyond hope, i've done it before, not that i ran it over, but i found a garter that had been attacked by an animal and its insides were hanging out, it had no hope, very hard to do, but it was in its best interest
If I suspected major head or organ damage, I'd definitely finish it off humanely but I would strongly consider a rescue if I thought it feasible.
10-03-03, 08:14 PM
I thought i was going to be the only one that hit "Go back and put it out of its misery". Im glad to see that most of us think alike. I couldnt just leave it there, yet i dont know how to put it out humanely either.
How would you put it out of its misery?
10-03-03, 08:47 PM
I'd finish it off.
10-03-03, 09:22 PM
put it out, thisd actually happened to me once, i felt soooo bad, i was in a bass tournament, and we hopped of the boat to pee, so i decided to do some quike herping, there was a tree that had fallen and had been cut by a chainsaw, but was left alone, and the logs wher left in order, so i started to roll one over, and there was a five lin inbetween the logs, and it reppied her in two, i was soo devistated i almost cried! i put her out of her misery as fast and humainly possible, and i still feel some giult.
because of this i always scan the road when we are driving, to hopfully save a herp or two.
10-03-03, 10:03 PM
I would go back and end its misery, depending on the severity of the injuries its really the only humane thing to do.
Dependes where i hit it... if in the tail i would check up and if no bleeding or any injure couldnt see i would take it off the road and let it go... but if i hit it in the middle or head i would go back and put it out of its misery...
killer Cichlidz
10-04-03, 11:30 PM
I think there should be another option. "Go back see if it can be rescued, then if not take it out of its misery". There would be no thought in my mind but to take it to the vet. I love snakes :)
well in the first place i wouldnt run over a snake. but it could happen :(
10-10-03, 05:25 PM
if it looked saveable i would save it but if it was to messed up i would put it out of its mizzory
10-14-03, 12:44 AM
I'ld fire up the habchi and have some lunch. no point in it going to waste. I hear it tastes like chicken.
The extent of damage would determine whether I made any attempt to rescue it, or otherwise put it out of its misery.
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