View Full Version : Whitish Snakes

09-28-03, 10:00 PM
As Roy pointed out. I've had a long standing fascination with white snakes. The purity of a white scale, just can not be compared to any other colour, save black. Some, like Unkie Roy, think they're God awful and that's fine. No one is buying him a leucistic texas rat.

I have owned snow/blizzard kings, blizzard corns, and LTR's, (want leucy pines), but I have finally acquired a pair of snakes, I have long desired; Simon can attest to this.

They're unrelated to other stock in Canada as far as I know. The male is a cool 5 feet. Female is 3 - 4. Between 1 to 1.5 years old. I keep them cool on the floor of the herp room. Supposedly mean, but handled right, they are nice to hold. Holding them in daylight is strange, as their pallid bodies just don't seem "right" for a snake. The head, you can see, has an odd blue, while the neck has a neat peach colour, while the tale tapers into an odd steely grey.

I don't really need to say what they are. Their names are Riley, and Ripley <smirk>.

I only have pics of Riley, as Ripley wasn't showing her best side.

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/137riley.jpg">

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/137riley2.jpg">

Colour is off in the second pic. First one is more accurate. Crappy photos, but unlike my partner in crime, I just don't have Vanan's eye for photography.

Scales Zoo
09-28-03, 10:37 PM
I saw these snakes.

I never knew why people liked "cavers" so much, until I saw these 2 in real life.

Amazing snakes, and these ones should be nicer than average.


09-28-03, 11:54 PM
Wow Katt -- very nice! :D Very cool looking snake....

09-29-03, 12:45 AM

Glad that you have finally got the caves~
Great looking ones and really really nice looking snake there!!

It must have been a year or more since you said that you wanted these right? I don't even remember now~

Don't worry your photos are fine~ really nice shots too!

Tim and Julie B
09-29-03, 01:28 AM
Once again Katt I am green with envy! TB:ashes:

09-29-03, 02:29 AM
It's Ok Katt, to each their own...you're right though, I have zero use for white herps...snows,blizzards, ghosts, leucistics all that colorless stuff just ain't my cup of tea..but then many would find my screaming bright red and orange stuff, somewhat tacky, as they probably do my shirts! LOL
We all keep for different reasons,and we're not always attracked by the same characteristics. These likes and dislikes also change, and thats what keeps it interesting.
I remember I had no use for any striped snakes..I loved banded stuff...Tricolors, mexicanas, blairs kings and a good 50/50 cal king would make me drool !!
But now I work with rosy boas..which are mostly striped. So how fickle is that.
You never know...someday I might just snap, and find myself looking at colourless herps..LOL

We do have some common ground though.. I like black snakes too..
I miss breeding Nigritus so much I bought some black milks last year..hey they start off red and banded, and end up glossy black. Two snakes in one!

Simon Sansom
09-29-03, 02:11 PM
Hey, very nice, Katt!

Congratulations on your new charges. Aren't they GREAT!??


09-29-03, 03:01 PM
Wow Katt! That's a stunning snake! :)