View Full Version : when?

09-28-03, 07:22 PM
i have noticed that both of my snakes shed at night, is this a security issue, or just preference?

wht time of day do your snakes shed?

09-28-03, 07:30 PM
How could it have anything to do with security? I don't get it?

09-28-03, 07:36 PM
under cover of darkness for lack of a better way to put it.

could this be coincedense, or am i thinking too much?

09-28-03, 09:26 PM
My bp has always shed at night. In the morning I have two snakes! :) But one is hollow. :( :D


09-28-03, 09:32 PM
Ball pythons are nocturnal, why would they shed while trying to sleep? :)

09-28-03, 10:12 PM
My bp's shed at different times..some have shed at night..and some have shed in the morning..

I even found one of my bp in the process of shedding around 11 in the morning..and this was just last week..

09-28-03, 10:19 PM
OH! Makes so much sense now I feel stupid!lol My experience has been that they shed at night. I'm going to go with the nocturnal argument too.lol

09-28-03, 10:29 PM
Come to think of it, I've never had a snake shed during the daytime, always at night.

09-28-03, 10:53 PM
Well here she is shedding at around 4 in the afternoon..

http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/507/3012DSCF0024-med.JPG http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/507/3012DSCF00271-med.JPG

09-28-03, 11:16 PM
speaking of sheds what is your steps do you take after finding a sheed in a snake cage what do you do with it.

09-28-03, 11:28 PM
me..i like my bp's sheds..so i keep them... =D i think this is just a phase..hopefully i'll get over it..cuz the shed collection is getting pretty big..lol

09-29-03, 02:47 AM
Yeah, I collect mine too, I put them in a box after that have dried out. Think I might put some of them together and frame them. Am I weird?

09-29-03, 10:32 AM
i think they're kind of gross (as in, I wouldn't keep them for myself), but my grandfather is fascinated by snakes and wants me to keep them for him...since he's the ONLY person in the family who has any warm attitude towards snakes, he gets what he wants...hehe. The only thing I think is kind of cool is the skin from the head, since it still has the indentation of the nose and the eyecaps.

09-29-03, 11:14 AM
My snakes shed durning the night maybe early morning. I also keep all my sheds. I have a critter keeper jam packed with sheds of my 2 corns since i got them.

09-29-03, 12:02 PM
I throw them away :eek:

09-29-03, 12:22 PM
Yeah GARBAGE For me

09-29-03, 01:26 PM
We save what we can, but since 90% of the time the snakes poop when they shed, we usually don't get to save too many. We have enough anyway. And, our snakes shed whenever they wanna. We had a Sinaloan milk shed mid-afternoon last week, blue beauties shed during the day, but it's mostly at night due to the snakes' natural activity cycle.

09-29-03, 01:57 PM
well my bp's usually shed at night, but my little corn just shed during the day (for the first time with us).

09-29-03, 05:22 PM
well its official, fark shed last night LOL

09-29-03, 07:29 PM
my bp just shed about 10mins ago. I usually dont keep sheds but this one was perfect, so im gonna keep it.

09-29-03, 08:05 PM
Ya we usually try and keep the "perfect" sheds......don't wanna get out the glue and try and piece them together....

10-01-03, 01:08 PM
I only kept one shed, gina's first shed here... also my ball never sheds during the night.. always in the morning

10-01-03, 01:24 PM
I tend to keep the nice ones and my son takes them to school to show his class mates. The hang on the cork board until the kittens pull them down while playing and my dog eats them. Needless to say, I don't let the dog to close to the snakes!

10-01-03, 02:04 PM
For those of you that keep your snakes sheds, what do you do with them?