View Full Version : Water Snake ?

09-28-03, 10:34 AM
Hi all there is this guyy on my website that asked a few ?'s about his wc water snake so i just copyd his ? straight from my forum and im going to past it below............ so please any info you might have please share it with me thx


(Hi all

I just joined the group and i was wondering if anyone knows anything about water snakes. I jsut got WC northern water snake and iv had it for a week and it wont eat. I got it in a half water half land with pleanty of hideing places. I have rosy red feeders in the tank and he has not noticed them. I was wondering if maby i should raise the temp (room temp), or try bait shop minows. If anyone ahs any ideas then i would be glad to hear them.


09-28-03, 03:11 PM
get the garter snake/ watersnake book, its great for this type of stuff

09-28-03, 03:18 PM
is it a water snake and a garter the same thing ? if so then i no how to care for garters

09-28-03, 03:20 PM
no watersnake will spend most of their time in water, as for a garter snake, they spend most time onland.

09-28-03, 07:19 PM
but the husbandry is the same, and i have caught garters in the water, and northerns 100yds from water, tthey just look different, and one needs moore water.

09-30-03, 07:12 PM
I am the one that posted the articule on Jays sight. It is a northern water snake. And it still hasnt ate. I switched form normal heat light to a UV. Any more suggestions. Please i need help.
ohio herper

09-30-03, 07:21 PM
Could try feeding amphibian scented prey. Nerodia do eat quite a bit of amphibs in the wild. Good luck!

09-30-03, 08:22 PM
well i was gona get a tadpole and put it in a jar with a fish for awhile but i dont think that would work. Any ideas


09-30-03, 08:30 PM
well i was gona get a tadpole and put it in a jar with a fish for awhile but i dont think that would work. Any ideas


09-30-03, 09:05 PM
First off believe it or not water snakes do not need more water then any other snake. AS a matter of fact too much water in the cage is bad for water snakes. A bowl of water large enough for the snake to soak in is all that is required. Feeding wild caught snakes is usually not that easy, Normally snakes dont eat untill they feel secure and safe and this is hard to do with a snake from the wild,also because they are a fish and amphibian eater they usually carry a large parasite load and the added stress will be very hard on the snake anyway. You are better off to find a CB.