View Full Version : ATB enclosure...

07-29-02, 09:59 PM
I recently built an enclosure for a few ATB's I'm going to pick up. ITs 7'high, and 2.5' by 3', its screened inn, made of wood and has been waterproofed. Does sound to be a good size for 1.1? There will be alot of greenery, large PVC for hiding, thin PVC for perching, vines, a platform or 2, and hopefully a body of water at the bottom. How does that sound? Would they appreciate maybe a body of water perched high up? Should i employ different basking areas or do they have no problem with communal basking?

Thanks for your interest,

07-30-02, 07:24 AM
ATB's require high humidity... If you have a screen front how are you going to keep the humidity up, in such a large enclosure???? Humidity should be kept around 70 - 90 at all times.... the size is fine for 1.1 Adults but your going to have to seperate them for feeding etc which is going to be a HUGE pain specially if they are vicious and snappy... being arboreal and holding onto the perches doesnt help much either... if i were you i would divide the cage in the middle into 2 cages, you and your snakes will be alot happier.. and 3.5 x 2.5 x 3 us more then enough room for 1 adult so if you divide your cage you will be fine!