View Full Version : Glass Cage Order Form

Greg West
09-26-03, 11:01 PM
I have been working on my website and modifying the quote page. I have modified the glass quote form and was wondering what everyone thought about it and if anyone thought that I should add to the form to make it a better quote request. Let me know what you think.

Greg West

Glass Terrarium Quote Request (http://www.cornelsworld.com/gform.htm)

If any of you know a thing or two about cgi scripts, can you please lend a hand? Can you have a java script within a cgi form? I want to be able to enlarge the cage type pictures so they are easier to view. If a java script will not work, will a rollover flash work?

Thanks for any help you can lend

Grant vg
09-27-03, 01:13 PM
dont know anything about scripts greg, but thats a great asset to your site!


09-27-03, 03:06 PM
Not to worry, I've messaged Greg and will be working on the form. Web design is one of my passions. :)

09-30-03, 11:39 PM
Looks good

10-08-03, 04:55 AM
Hi Greg, your website is really coming along nicely, it is a great improvement over your previous one.

Here are some suggestions:
Under electrical style, there is a typo: swotches = switches

For Helix accessories, perhaps you could do a checkbox style format, with another box for quantity.

Maybe you could provide links to samples of the different backgrounds and landscaping that you offer. For example, it might be hard to see the difference between forest and rainforest. Also, by providing examples, you help set the expectation level of your customers.

Hope this helps!