View Full Version : Question about doing shows

reptile boi
09-26-03, 10:58 PM
Hey everyone,

well, now that im in high school, ill need 40 hours of community service (i think its community service, maybe community hours, i kinda forgot which its called, but hey its late and im tired) and i was thinking bout doing "reptile" shows in local schools around here with my own herps and maybe some from some of my friends, and i was wondering what do you gise do, and say? Also, do you get the kids to ask questions after every animal that you bring out, or do the kids save all their questions till the end of the presentation?


09-26-03, 11:15 PM
This is the general guideline I use for shows. The age group I'm used to working with was from 3 to adult, you just need to adapt the details to suit the crowd ;)

*Introduce the animal by name
*Have them guess what it is
*Tell them what it is (if they are right, if they arent correct them)
*Ask if they think it is full grown or not
*Ask where they think he comes from, environment and location
*What he might eat
*Cover things like lifespan, husbandry, captive requirements, safety when handling them, give reasons for everything
*Go into status in the wild and some of its habits in the wild and how it varies from that in captivity
*Question & answer period at the end of each animal

Main parts are just to keep the audience involved and not just you talking to them, have them ask questions at the end and always elaborate and go into detail about all points that you can. Express the amount of responsibility these animals are as well, and make sure you have all your facts correct :)

reptile boi
09-26-03, 11:18 PM
Thanks a bunch linds, also, all my english teachers always always ALWAYS tell me i need to elaborate more in essays and such, how would you "elaborate" in a show if your no good at it? lol
