View Full Version : first Ball Python

09-26-03, 08:16 PM
Hello everyone i got my first Ball Python tonight i am so happy.Iput it in a 33gallon and it is just moving back and forth side to side.I was told it is a yearling and that it was eating fuzzies i think it should be eating a bigger food item than that for a yearling what does everyone think?Thanks B.J.

09-26-03, 08:31 PM
Well, my bp just took her first adult mouse like a champ! She is almost 5 months. I've heard that hatchling bps can eat adult mice.


09-26-03, 08:46 PM
Firstly... Congrats on your firt BP! :)

Fuzzy mice or fuzzy rats? If you are talking fuzzy mice, well no BP will should be feeding on fuzzy mice at any point in its life. They hatch out large enough to take hoppers and some can even take adults. If you are talking rats, then I would say your yearling BP is stunted in its growth, or being underfed. Feed a prey item that leaves a healthy bulge in the snake, not an enormous bulge to be on the safe side however.

09-26-03, 09:30 PM
Make sure your baby has enough hides in a 33 gal tank, or he/she might get to stressed to eat. Check temps and humidity. Try feeding an adult mouse or equivelent size in rats (preferably rats, they are more nutritious) or a little bigger.........Congrats on your new snake!!!!!! They do become addicting!

09-26-03, 10:26 PM
Awesome, congrats!! It's definitely big enough to take adult mice. I bet it could handle a small rat, too, although I couldn't say for sure without knowing what it's dimensions are. And I agree with Sapphire--even though it's a yearling, still make sure there are plenty of places for it to hide.

09-27-03, 07:13 AM
From my my observations, a content BP is a lazy BP. A really active one is either hungry or looking for a comfy place to hide. As for prey size, you can prob feed an adult mouse no problem. Being a Ball, you should be happy that he/she feeds regularly. My BP is a real piggy and hasn't refused a meal yet in my care. Good luck with yours and if you need advice then the people on in this forum are a really good and helpful source.

09-28-03, 03:18 PM
Thank you all for the info i will try and feed it in a couple of days and i will let you all know how it went.Thanks B.J.

09-28-03, 05:17 PM
With out seeing the snake I can't say what it should be eating no matter how old it is. No matter what size it is big or small it should be eating a RAT that is the same size as the snakes largest diameter.

09-28-03, 05:25 PM
I think it should actually bit a bit bigger then the largest part of the snakes body.