View Full Version : agression between pair
07-29-02, 07:02 PM
Allo :) I have a pair of leopard geckos male/female and they haev been living together fine for about 2 weeks now.. they are both eating fine and everything seems ok.
I dont know if this is normal behaviour between a male/female but I noticed yesterday that cornielious tried to bite Tristan. My lil bro actually saw it... he tried to strike her.. and now I have noticed she is not chillen with him anymoer.. be4 they would stay in the same hide and hang out and now she doesnt go near him. Is this normal? is he trying to get it on with her and shes dissen him or??? i'm totally new to owning leo's and have no idea whats goin on.. they seem to be healthy in all other regards though just this behaviour....
ps i will have pix of them later tonight.. i finally got my friend to bring his camera over just need him to email me them now :)
also wil have pix of annastasia.... one of my other leos
What you are seeing is courting rituial. How big are the leos in question? Hopefully over 40g if not seperate them as soon as possible.
If they are over 40g and the male keeps bugging the female you will have to seperate them or the female will become overly stressed.
07-29-02, 07:22 PM
they are 6-7" I will weigh them tonight.. dont know if they are over 40g or not... ugh just great.. first i end up gettin 2 males ina group of 4 and had to go get ANOTHER enclosure and now this... my parents are going to freak. i allready have 7 enclosures in my room LOL
at least one of my tanks will free up this weekend as one of the leo's i had picked up for a friend and held for her well she finally got her enclosure set up so I can utilize that tnak for seperting these guys....
I thought ti was mating but i didnt know it happened at this time of year? do they have a breeding season? or is it whenever the male wants to feel a ll luvvin ?
07-29-02, 07:47 PM
If you have properly sexed them, this is usualy just mating behavior. Especialy if he struck around her neck...he was just trying to get a grip.
I normaly don't suggest breeding till they are at least 18 months old and 40 grams at least. Most of mine started breeding over 50 grams to be honest and over 7 inches. Some people breed younger, but I preffer not to practice such techniques.
(Though I am sure that statement in itself could start quite the debate)
I find that If the females are too young to breed, you will either have frequent refusals cause she is not ready, and one overly frustrated male. Or she'll get knocked up, and depending on how prematurely you bred her, you may have some growth and health issues as well as a much slower recovery after she lays the eggs. But thats just my opinion/view on it, and what I have noticed from other people breeding their leos before they are ready.
I found that if you are patient and wait till they are ready, you will most often have larger and much healthier babies, especialy if you give the females breaks between clutches.
And another thing, if you are keeping leos together, have a big enclosure. Just incase there are some disputes between the two, as well as sufficient hide outs..(no, two or three is not enough) so they feel comfortable and secure.
Hey, what else to you keep btw?
7 tanks? it's not going to stop at that....I hope you've warned your parents already. Heck I ended up with so many terrariums, that I had to dedicate an entire room just for my herps.
I hope you can post their weights soon...I'm curious to know.
07-30-02, 03:28 PM
the leo's where sex by ron tremper so I would hope htey where sexed properly :) weights on them are as follows:
corneilious = 19.5 grams
tristan = 24.8 grams
looks like I will be seperating them this weekend -
there are 4 hides in thier 20 gal. now.. but i will be seperating them this weekend, so they will each get thier own set of 3 hides heh
as for what else I keep:
1 - high yellow thats het for paternless
4 - paternless leos
1 - serrasalmus rhombeus (for sale)
3 - serrasalmus spiloura (golden piranhas) <--- my fav fish right now
1 - fettet
assorted feeder fish/crickets/mealworms
going to be getting thouse u.ebenaui' from Neil this sept :)
as for it not stoping at that I know.. trust me I know... I have allready been speaking to jeff about gettin him to make me a rack.... and once I have that . that will open up all these leo enclosures for other lil critters :) been thinking about getting a turtle ( i know tehy get BIG and i would need to upgrade tanks down the road) or perhaps some dart frogs but i duno yet for sure its a addiction i tell ya.. pure addiction.. also have my eye on some blizzard lizzards.... or i may just awit till next season and pick up something totally new hrmmm what to do what to do heh
07-30-02, 03:45 PM
lol, have a friend that has some baby leos and I was thinking about getting my first pair. must find a way to get more tanks in my herp room it seems.
07-31-02, 02:06 AM
Everyone who has posteed is correct Ad, he's just a randy little boi :P Time for a temporary separation, hopefully you have another female to house with them when they're actually big enough to breed.
BTW you must be keeping excellent care for him to want to get it on so early in life :P
07-31-02, 02:43 AM
when they are big enough to breed he will vist tristan and a female paternless :)
i'm splitting them this weekend :) pickin up another tank to seperate em
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