View Full Version : red tailed boa

07-29-02, 06:30 PM
hiya all

well i am looking into a red tailed boa, anyone have any suggestions on a good place to find a great quality animal? any suggestions specific to this type of boa? also if anyone can direct me to a great place for information about this snake it would be greatly appreciated,trying to do all the reading possible. feel free to post pics of your boas and set ups with your responses, i would love to see them! would love to get ideas for set ups as well.

thanks all!

07-29-02, 09:50 PM
Hey i aquired my first Red- Tail at a reptile store in Houston about ayear ago and she is doing great. I had always thought and always heard that Red-Tails do not require misting or much humidity. They need about 60-70% humidity. Living in houston where it is very humid I thought would be enough. But a few weeks back you were able to see the skinfolds on the animal. I immediatley knew this was a sign of dehydration so I have been misting her cage twice daily every day since and she is doing well.
I know people who have kept red-Tails in my area and have never had to worry about humidity. So maybe it is the animal. If you want an animal that you know for sure will be the best of the best try BobClarks website.