View Full Version : Everyones Favorite Chameleon!

09-25-03, 04:01 PM
Hey, Chameleon lovers!

I was wondering if people would post PICTURES!!! of there chameleon in this theard, and pick the most favorite one you got, you can have more then one if you wish. I just look forward to seeing everyones chameleon, and names of your chamleon would be great too!!enjoy


09-25-03, 06:38 PM
All right, I'll start. I must say I enjoy each of my chameleons on an individual basis. Every single one of them has some crazy quirk that makes me laugh every day. While I can't post a pic of every chameleon I own (dial-up folks would hate me) here are a few of my special guys.

"C.J." Veiled Chameleon. Male. My nemesis, the biter. I respect that.


"Calypso" Panther Chameleon. Male. My little homosexual friend. (Not that there is anything wrong with that)


"Mr. Verrucosus" Giant Spiny Chameleon. Male. Wants nothing more than to sit on my shoulder or head all day.


"Mr. Fischer" Fischers Chameleon. Male. Completely shy, but totally sexy. One of the first pics I took with my digital camera and still one of my favorites.




09-25-03, 07:10 PM
nice pics

09-25-03, 07:13 PM
Nice chams, they are all beautiful, how old are they?


09-25-03, 07:53 PM
i must say trace .. very amazing ...
i love all my chams equally because they are all so perfect - lol
here are the pics .. hard act to follow thought trace (coulda let me go first - lol)

toki .... peaceful and friendly dwarfie :)


then we have mika ... she runs away when i come to take her out lol


and of course .. my newest guy MAX



and trace .. you are never on msn anymore - LOLOL



09-25-03, 09:24 PM
AWWW!!! they are so dam sexy lol, i gonna take them all. I love your first pic, its awesome! A nice bright green, anyone planning to get another one??? Dont be shy, put whatever you want!!!!!:D:D

09-25-03, 11:44 PM
Trace, do you have a pair of fischerii? If so, have you bred or are you breeding them?


09-25-03, 11:47 PM
Beautiful chams Dank7oo, makes me wish that i didnt trade mine away.


09-26-03, 04:50 AM
you traded yours away?! why?

09-26-03, 05:17 AM
I guess i was looking for something different when i traded him away, i traded him for a ball python.


09-26-03, 05:23 AM
ooo :(

09-26-03, 05:47 AM
Crestie: Depending on the source of the chameleons, I don't have a birthdate for them. Calypso was a baby when I got him in 2000. The others were adults when I acquired them and I've had them for about a year, so that makes them at least 2 years old. Sorry I can't give you a definative answer there! What kind of chameleon did you have?

Meow: Of course I'll get more chameleons! Although I'm looking for very specific species though.

Brock: Sadly I don't have a female for him AND I REALLY WANT ONE! (or 2!) It's odd, around here anyways, the fischerii seemed to be really popular a year or so ago and I haven't seen any since. I know they are being imported, I know they are being bred in the US. At this point it's not feasible for me to import a few females from the States (paperwork, costs etc), so I continue my search up here. If you know of any, pass the word on to me.



09-26-03, 06:15 AM
lol i heaard all these species in these fourms!!! all the species i kno are bearded pymgy chameleon(spelling) panther veiled and jacksons. and now i hear about fischerii. Wow i guess there are lots of species!

09-26-03, 06:38 AM
Actually there are a lot of species. I think, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong, there are between 270-300 different kinds of chameleons?



09-26-03, 09:01 AM
:) are you going to get them all trace? lol

09-26-03, 09:55 AM
I envy you trace.

BTW, Calypso looks very healthy. Nice legs!

09-26-03, 02:40 PM
WOW thats alot lol

09-26-03, 05:25 PM
Wow! You guys both have beautiful chameleons. :)

09-27-03, 01:01 PM
I have to post the sassiest cham on the planet, Miss Shirley.


09-27-03, 01:22 PM
Hummm hard choice! hummm ill have to go with



then ill lgo with

FREGAL (fregal is no longer with me he died last year he was the cutest cham i have ever seen)


09-27-03, 02:51 PM
Collide:awww srry for ur lost i heard about that story

Wuntu Menny
09-27-03, 06:16 PM
This is Ms. Piggy, she has to be one of the friendliest chams on the planet. She is 4 1/2 yrs old now and doesn't look quite as pretty as she did when this pic was taken, but she's still as friendly.


She'll always be our fave


09-27-03, 06:22 PM
collide : nce to see you ... i love your panthers ... make more movies, you must - lol

WM : amazing patterns on that lady, she looks stunning!

09-27-03, 08:15 PM
Wm wow shes pretty nice chameleon you got there

09-27-03, 11:12 PM
Wow older lady lol, my female veiled is 2 now and i think she is old lol, does she still lay egges or is she done?

everyone has great chams but come on people what chameleon is not a good looker!

Wuntu Menny
09-27-03, 11:17 PM
She still lays on a regular basis although we haven't bred her in a couple of years. Producing duds is less stressfull on her and I'm sure its helped prolong her lifespan.


09-28-03, 01:10 PM
Here is my femal veiled Mrs.Moo, Id say she is friendly but u must have food to make her happy she lays good i bred her for only 2 clutches (her 2nd and third lay) but since then i havent im thinking af breeding her once more and then thats all, Ihave had her for hummm 2 years so she is around 2 and a half.


Wuntu Menny
09-28-03, 02:01 PM
Nice color, great markings! Does she retain the color all the time or is it reserved for the boys?


09-28-03, 04:27 PM

09-28-03, 08:49 PM
okay, i know this question has probably already been answered a million times, but HOW do i get pics from my computer onto this thread?! I tried by posting it in my gallery first, but my pics are too big for the gallery, and now its full. I can't simply copy and paste from my computer for some reason. ??? Can anyone help me? You can PM me if we don't want to change the subject on this thread! Thanks.

PS. Beautiful chams so far......they all look like little dinosaurs to me. :)

09-28-03, 08:59 PM
LOL choriona, me and trace, just had that conversation about that, its confusing!!!! but i get it now thanks to trace, PM trace and she should be able to help you out, looking forward to see your cham if your planning to put one on here.

ya they do look like little dinosarurs, just sooo dam cute

09-28-03, 10:15 PM
okay, here are some of the babies I hatched out a while ago....i don't think it qualifies for the "pick you fav" but wanted to share it anyways. They were just soooo adorable. Perfect little monsters!


THis is the day they hatched.....they just kept popping out of the eggs, every time I checked the egg container, there was a new one hatched! It was awsome. These are the babies of the late Choriona, my first Veiled chameleon ever.

09-29-03, 06:18 AM
choriona try www.boomspeed.com i think they give you one meg, give that a try

09-29-03, 02:45 PM
hey i jsut saw the pic, i didnt see it on my other comp weird. WOW!!!! there was cute!!!! i want them all congrats

09-29-03, 02:46 PM
thats a GREAT pic :)

09-29-03, 02:52 PM
Here *was* my female veiled, Choriona. She was my first reptile ever. Here she is displaying because she was gravid and caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom morror during "shower-time".


Now, here is my male, Sly. He discovered Petri in his territory and decided to let him know he was not welcome. Fortunately, Petri cannot see him. Petri is a 5yr old male that came to my house to retire, and he is partially blind in the eye facing Sly. I thought this picture was cute because they are doing the same pose!


Lastly, here is my male "Kaiton the Frightened Titan." He is the son of Choriona, perhaps one of the babies in my previous pic. He is very shy and gets very cool colors when he is displaying - which he does often.


09-29-03, 03:10 PM
very cute, bet your having fun with all of them

09-29-03, 03:17 PM
Wow, everyones chams are looking great!!!

09-29-03, 03:19 PM
nice nice nice .. veileds are cool!

09-30-03, 06:28 PM
Wow there are a lot of great chameleon in this theard. I loved them all. hope all of you enjoyed this theard, got a chance to see everyones favorite chameleon.


09-30-03, 06:34 PM
Beautiful veilds, the baby pic is amazing!!! :D


09-30-03, 06:38 PM
hey i almost forgot about my guy, i guess i didnt want to put him in this theard cause most of you have seen it but, ill just post it cause some people didnt...i love the tongue shots, another thing, i find amazing is that he lets me feed him!!!! even though ive only got him for a couple of weeks:P enjoy

Sean Day
09-30-03, 07:24 PM
Very nice chams everyone! I especially like Traces fischer. I dont keep any at the moment and lost most pics when my pc crashed but did find a pic of blue and jacky



10-01-03, 06:15 AM
Sean day, wow i really like the second pic you got there:)