View Full Version : What does a cham bite feel like?

09-25-03, 11:22 AM
Now that Gus is getting proper care he seems to have really "woken up" and getting more aggresive. He still will come out and sit on our hand all on his own, but sometimes he throws what seems to be a temper tantrum and he is willing to bite my finger if I get it too close in his cage.

How bad do cham bites hurt?


09-25-03, 11:29 AM
Hmph... I should have taken a picture of my finger and thumb last week after C.J. tagged me. Blood gushing everywhere!

Honestly, it hurts yes. They have something called acrodont teeth and that means that the teeth are actually part of the jawbone, so they can bite with more force. Other lizards, like iguanas, lose and replace their teeth constantly. I think it's relative though... I'm used to working with gators, large snakes and the like, and those animals can potentially kill me or swallow me. A chameleon bite? Bah! Do your worst.

Sounds like Gus is getting a bit more territorial that's for sure. Always a good sign I think.


09-25-03, 11:34 AM
O.k. well I guess what you are saying is compared to some of the other beasts out there (i.e. large snakes) a cham bite ranges in with colubrids and other similar sized lizards. It hurts but its most certainly not something to pass out over.

Although if Gus does in fact grab my finger, I will most likely pass out. Let's just hope that if this happens he won't take advantage of the situation and bite me anywhere else while I'm down!!!! LOL

Thanks Trace

09-25-03, 11:34 AM
i have never been bitten, even though they give the tantrum most of the time. I think it is more for show, cause thats what a chameleon is all about - pretending its something its not.
But i do know when my female bit my male, she broke his skin and drew blood.
To pick my chams up during a tantrum, i distract them with one hand and put the other right in their escape path....so they end up running away from one hand right onto another. Once they are on my hand, I extend it above my head so i am less of a threat, and they seem to calm down.

09-25-03, 11:40 AM

I should point out, after C.J. bit me last week, I felt obligated to bite him back! I'm not sure if that put him in his place or what, but it was certainly satisfying for me!


09-25-03, 11:47 AM
LMAO! You actually bit him back? That would look so funny.

Choriona... that perfectly describes the way I do it.

I've never been bitten but I thought I was going to be last night. I was taking Clover out so I could clean her cage and she put her angry colors on and puffed up and started hissing and gaping. Thought for sure I was done for.

09-25-03, 01:01 PM
thanks guys!

I don't really ever try and take Gus out, if he comes out its because when I opened the door he high speeds it onto my arm. LOL. I try not to force him to move anywhere. So hopefully I won't ever get bitten.

Yesterday he threw a fit because I removed the dish of veggies he was ignoring. As soon as you try to take something away he seems all the sudden interested in it. So anyways I start removing the tray and he just blew himself up all huffy and puffy and then when I reached in to offer him a bite, he went for my finger! lol :D


09-25-03, 01:32 PM
LMAO! You actually bit him back?

I did! I should have also taken pics of my teethmarks on his back. :/ I didn't bite him hard, not enough to draw blood or cause any pain, just enough to let him know who's boss.

If he wasn't sssooo dang handsome, I'd have smacked him ages ago and fed him to one of my snakes.


09-25-03, 01:33 PM
wth trace? you bit cj? lol
maybe i should have bit ichiro before i gave him to you - lol ... how is he anyways?!

09-25-03, 01:54 PM
That is awesome Trace. My hat is off to you.

09-25-03, 03:52 PM
HA HA H AH omg thats so great!! errr ive had my chameleon for a couple of weeks, and my panther isnt afriad to bite, almost got biten but never left him:P

09-25-03, 05:30 PM
As much as I've enjoyed this thread... I REALLY should put a disclaimer on it.

I DO NOT recommend anybody bite their chameleons for punishment, training, dominance or whatever reason! This should not be done at any time.

The last thing I need to see is some crazy trend in herpetoculture where people go around biting their reptiles! Licking Cane Toads is a whole other story though. WWWEEEEEE!


09-25-03, 07:56 PM
LOL .. we had a discussion in my tavel class yesterday about licking cane toads ... we had to design a resort and someone in my classes rules were *you can smoke any ORGANISMS you want within 10 meters of the lodge* ... we teacher was like 'organisms isnt the correct word', but this guy thought you could 'smoke' cane toads - LOLOL ...

09-25-03, 09:26 PM
HA HA HA HA HA!!!LMAO!!!! woo thats so funny, lol never i will bite back, couldnt do it!:P (watch the next day my chameleon has a bite mark:P)