View Full Version : crazy chameleons

09-25-03, 10:29 AM
I thought it would be fun to share some stories about these strange creatures. Like funny places you found them when they escaped from their houses, or the neatest colors you've seen them, or how worried you were the first time your girl was going to lay eggs, or how neat it was when you discovered they like to swim, or your surprise when they took a big chomp out of something other than an insect, or caught a fly in the air.....ect. Just strange things that they do that makes us love them so much! Hopefully then people who are thinking about getting a cham will have all the more reason to, AND maybe we can bring to light some of their more strange behaviours that aren't so often talked about because it only happens once or twice.

Lets try to keep this thread for stories only, and if you want to comment on one of the topics mentioned in a story, start a new thread.


Wuntu Menny
09-25-03, 11:13 AM
Well, the first veiled we ever got used to tag me in the forehead with his tongue every time I went into his cage.

Also, I learned not to offer pieces of banana from your fingers. He got a little excited and nearly removed part of my digit trying to get the fruit. He seemed to think that if he simply chomped down harder, he would eventually get the treat.


09-25-03, 11:44 AM
I'm sure this happens to everybody... but sometimes it takes me literally like 5 minutes to find Clover in her cage and it turns out she was right in front of my eyes.

09-25-03, 03:43 PM
lol ya it has happened to me many times:P, well i heard that is very rare to see your chameleon drink! but ive seen my drink like 10 times already. One thing i would love to see is to catch a fly, that would be so awesome.Also my chameleon would only poo is one place lol!! hope there will be more storys:D and he eats out of my hands already!!! Woot Woot


09-25-03, 05:48 PM
My old (and I mean OLD) male Veiled "Conehead" would climb down into his plants to go to sleep at night. While there, he certainly made himself comfortable as you can see.


Not a word of a lie, he would sleep upside down in the softness of the leaves. What a nut.


09-25-03, 06:12 PM
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im crying:P omg that is the funniest thing ive EVER seen, if there wasnt a picture i wouldnt believe it lol great shot by the way lol

Wuntu Menny
09-25-03, 07:29 PM
I never would have believed you without that pic. That is hilarious!


09-25-03, 09:20 PM
Yeah trace thats great lol, great pic!!

09-26-03, 10:02 AM
when my veiled chams are outside in their plants, and the wind is blowing....they sway ever so slightly once in a while. They try to mimic the leaves blowing around on the tree. But it is really really funny. The sway pattern is totally random as well. They'll sway just 3 times back and forth, then wait 2 minutes, then sway once.... and on and on.

hahaha thats great Trace! Old chams are cute.

09-26-03, 02:42 PM
ha ha ha wow i love this theard

09-26-03, 03:52 PM
LOL trace! lol

09-26-03, 03:56 PM
that picture is priceless!! :D

09-28-03, 08:21 PM
i remeber when i first started trying to hand feed ichiro at 2 years of age (start of the none eatingness) i would put a silkie in the palm of my hand! he would run over, puff up, and as if he were going to bite my hand, he would lung and snatch up the silkie .. what a guy :)

thats the best i got .. kind pathetic .. i know

09-28-03, 09:17 PM
My chameleon sleeps split eagle.... his 2 left legs hanging onto the plant hanger hook, his right two legs hanging onto the dripper tube... I have a picture that I'll post ASAP. Also, he plays hide and seek... He'll hide as soon as I go to look at him, but I walk away and turn around and peek over his stick and duck away the next time I look over... cute :)

10-07-03, 10:04 AM
Behind my house is a huge park, and I usually go for walks with my dog and take one of the chams along for some sun. Well, my one cham is soooo funny. She just loves sitting on my arm, or a stick if I bring one along, and just watches the world go by. She is usually quite calm, but this one time she started slinking away, like she was trying to hide from someting in the sky. I looked up, and there was an airplane! She thought it was a big bird that was going to eat her. It was soo funny!

10-07-03, 07:42 PM
lol air plain phobia lol, when i hatched my first veiled egges, I was puttin all the hatchlings in there new homes I had some pet mesh that i wraped over the top and secure with elastic bands, i went and checked on how the others we doin, when i got to the container with the last one i put in which i had only one in there till the rest hatched i couldent find the little guy. but he was alone so hard to find then i noticed a small bend in the mesh on top where the mesh had slipped form the elastic, after a mild heart attack, i decided that the escapee would climb up if he could, sure enouf up i look and there is the little guy climbin the wire for the lights. If anyone hase ever had little hatchling it was a very scary moment, but funny, My friend has "exit" now funny name but hey at least there is a storie to it lol.

10-08-03, 08:56 AM
lol I had a few escapees too.... and that is so true. Always look up. Sometimes I put my head on the floor and then look up. It is so hard to keep track of all those little monsters!

10-12-03, 08:17 PM
max nosed me today - lol .. he is too chicken to bite like a real man - LOL