View Full Version : temp sexed...crested

09-25-03, 07:53 AM
Hi !

Can someone please confirm if we can or not incubate crested eggs to get a specific sex ?

I heard it can be done and I also read it's not true.

Please tell me what you think and if you can copy a scientific text to your reply prooving it, it would be even better.



09-25-03, 09:03 AM
Personally I don't think it's true. I've hatched out cresteds in temps from 65-85 deg. and I've never found conclusive evidence to support the tsd idea. You might find people who can say they get more males or females at specific temps, but it won't be anywhere as accurate as, say, leos for example. On the bright side, I think it's just another aspect of cresteds that make them so interesting. :)

09-25-03, 12:02 PM
so are there any tempretures that you will get more females than males hatched? maybe lower tempretures?

09-25-03, 01:34 PM
I heard that 78-79 degrees increases the chances of a female hatchling but im not sure if this is true.


Wuntu Menny
09-25-03, 02:01 PM
They are anecdotal reports of temp sexing, but I don't believe it has been verified conclusively yet. From my experience, the theory has proved accurate as the one I purchased as a hatchling female turned out to be one and the eggs we've incubated low have so far ended up girls as well.


09-26-03, 03:23 AM
So should I go lower than 78-79 to have a better chance to get a female?

09-26-03, 05:20 AM
From what i heard, try to keep the temp at 78-79 degrees. Like i said before im not sure if this is fact or fiction but its worth trying.


09-27-03, 02:53 AM
Thanks Steve, I'll definately try that
Hopefully there'll be more informations on breeding cresties in a year or two :)