View Full Version : Carrick!

07-29-02, 02:12 PM
This is my little guy Carrick. He is a German Giant X Gold dragon and my little sweetie! just thought i would post some pics for fun =)

07-29-02, 02:12 PM
another one......

07-29-02, 02:14 PM
thanks for taking a peek!

07-29-02, 04:38 PM
Soooo cute.....what's a German giant? I've never heard of that before

07-29-02, 04:57 PM
they tend to grow larger then other beardies.. average size for your regular beardie is about 17-18 inches.. these guys can get to about 23.. i forget how big the biggest was.. think 25 possibly? Carricks daddy is 23 inches and a big plump handsome guy at that =) I dont know the specifics on the german giant bloodline and where it came from but do know that they average a larger size and are very hardy dragons. They breed giants with other color morphs to color them up a bit, but to get the size of the german blood too, straight giants tend to be bland, colorless, but i think they are all cute! color or no color =)

07-29-02, 10:34 PM
my fav is the german giant/red beardies they are the cutiest

07-30-02, 12:28 AM

When bakc in europe, specifically germany, they were most likeley crossed with a barbatta, heh barbattiecps , and thats why they carry a lot of the charachteristics!

07-30-02, 09:52 AM
thanks for the information!!!!

07-31-02, 12:52 AM
BTW, the largst beardie on record was 28 inches long.