View Full Version : Just shed, so I took some photos...

09-24-03, 05:02 PM
2003 Pastel Ball Pythons:





http://members.shaw.ca/galleryb/snakes_banner_final.jpg (http://www.jefffavelle.com)

09-24-03, 05:12 PM
Those are some nice pastels you got there Jeff! They just get purdier with every shed :)

09-24-03, 05:17 PM
Thanx Jay! They most certainly do!!

09-24-03, 05:30 PM
Oh man you suck Jeff just got the email hahaha hey not a prob bro and wow they look GREAT bro good stuff ;)

09-24-03, 05:35 PM
*gasp* Damn you Favelle! Damn you! *L* BEAUTIFUL Pastels. :)

09-24-03, 05:35 PM
Ha ha Kelvin, I was fully expecting you to come over here and open up a can of woop.........

What a dunder-head eh? Ian had a good laugh at me (before he realized that we just lost a GRAND, LOL!!). :D


09-24-03, 05:49 PM
Ha hahaha only a grand ;) hey I will have 2 gett a pair of carmels or Clown het,s hehe ;) lol

09-24-03, 05:51 PM
Damn! I am NOT sorry then! LOL!

Clowns for me man. Pastel Clown? Unreal. But its hard to beat the co-doms too. Spiders and Mojaves have to be next. Too many adult normal females to be bred to worry about hets.

Damn, why is the Ball game sooooooooo fun?? :D

09-24-03, 05:56 PM
Ya tell me about it bud I,am hooked and having a blast.The wife is soon going 2 divorce me if I spend anymore moola hahaha.Well I will have to go on the hunt for a female pastel now bro lol daymmmmmmm ;) cheeper with the het,s and much more fun in my eyes :)

09-24-03, 06:03 PM
2 more clutches to hatch in October, so let me know how your search goes. I'll foot the shipping if we have the animal. Its the least I could do. (**ha ha I'll make Ian pay it** LOL! JK, Ian). :D

09-24-03, 06:42 PM
awesome pastels Jeff, and you know ive been waiting for the airport to phone me and tell me my shippment is in but they havent phoned yet. What the hell is goin on are you shippin me that pastel or what???? :)

09-24-03, 07:07 PM
Ha ha, I couldn't find Taber on a map. Besides, what does a "corn-town' need with an airport anyways?? LOL!


09-24-03, 07:16 PM
well bro if you do hatch more females send the pic,s my way ;) If I have not found one bye then we can work thing,s out again lol :)

09-24-03, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Ha ha, I couldn't find Taber on a map. Besides, what does a "corn-town' need with an airport anyways?? LOL!


Calgary will be fine ill drive to pick it up...hehehe

09-24-03, 08:00 PM
I think I'm going to have to adopt Invictus' mantra... lol. Damn you Favelle!! LOL....

They're absolutely stunning Jeff :D Why oh why can't I win the lottery... lol.

Keep those pics coming, I can't wait to take a peek at them in person! :D I'll take that last one, thanks *grin*...

Corey Woods
09-24-03, 09:09 PM

Very nice....congrats!


09-24-03, 10:57 PM
beauties, of course.

09-25-03, 06:00 AM
*COUGH* showoff *COUGH*

Ahem, much better :D. They look awesome jeff, except three pictures aren't working :o. While it was brought up, what is involved in producing a clown? For all the smart @$$es who will respond to this (:)), I mean the ball python morph lol.

09-25-03, 12:32 PM
Clown is just a single-recessive pattern morph. So all you need are clowns or het-clowns. But they are pricey now.

09-25-03, 12:34 PM
Pics are there AND working. I was mucking around with the FTP, trying to create space. But I put them back.

09-25-03, 12:52 PM
That's it, I'm coming to visit and leaving with snakes hidden under my shirt!


09-25-03, 01:11 PM
Jenn I tell ya what I will hold him down and you run with everything ;) hahahaha Jeff :)

09-25-03, 01:19 PM
Hoy crap Jeff, absolutely stunning

09-25-03, 08:32 PM
:jawdrop: Damn Jeff, you're always making me jealous with your collection. :D
