View Full Version : The Cosmic Serpent

07-29-02, 12:51 PM
I don't know how many of you are into anthropology and religion and how science and religion are viewed from an indigenous standpoint, but this book "The Cosmic Serpent DNA and The Origins of Knowledge" is awesome. From the back cover:

The Cosmic Serpent is a personal adventure, a fascinating study of anthropology and ethnopharmacology, and a revolutionary look at how intelligence and consciousness may come into being. In a first-person narrative of scientific discovery that opens new perspectives on biology, anthropology, and the limits of rationalism, Jeremy Narby reveals how startlingly different the world around us appears when we open our minds to it.

Jermey Narby Ph.D., grew up in Canada and Switzerland, studied history at the University of Canterbury, and received his doctorate in anthropology from Stanford University.

As a side note from me: He looks deeply at the Peruvian Amazon peoples belief that the universe was born from the pairing of the Green Anaconda and the Brazilian Rainbow Boa and how their gliphs of these serpents on religious items appears exactly as does the double helix of DNA, as well as the art surrounding it appeears to be 'chromosones' and they explain to him that this is the 'chain', 'ladder', 'sprial' of life as we now know it on earth, that this is its origin.

The book was absolutely fascinating, I couldn't put it down.


08-01-02, 10:01 AM
I think I'll give it a look. You had been mentioned to me during a talk on Paganism, maybe we'll hook up on chat sometime.

08-01-02, 10:12 AM
i was wondering if anyone knows wherei can find some reptile shows in ontario?

gtg im feeding my python now

08-01-02, 11:45 AM
Hey, Rev,

Who had mentioned us to you? Feel free to email us privately anytime - we're always open to good conversation. Hope you enjoy the book! It's an excellent read.
