View Full Version : High fluoride in water.. what affects on Ball Pythons?

09-24-03, 07:37 AM
I just received the results of the analysis of my well water (new house, just moved in)... The fluoride was mesured at 4.18mg/l (4 times higher than Canadian health recommends) and turbidity at 14 NTU (14 times higher than Canadian health recommends). I so far understand that there would not be any serious effects on adults but that young children should not drink this water because of the fluoride (turbidity is apparently harmless but may stain clothes 'n' stuff like that).

What about my Ball Pythons? Does anybody know what will happen to them if they drink this water? We will probably have to get a filter for the house, but I don't know when we would be able to afford to get this installed.

Any input greatly appreciated.


09-24-03, 08:54 AM
I can't honestly say that it for sure would harm them, but i would play it safe and get a filter, although i'm known to be a little neurotic regarding my herps, but you do have to remember they can be quite sensetive to chemicals and additives ect. I'd be inclined to think that if it's not safe enough for children to drink it's not safe enough for your BP's just my 2 cents. Congrat on the new house btw :)


09-24-03, 10:31 AM
if your not going to be able to get a filter soon you can always just go to the grocery store and buy Distilled Water (One gallon) not sure how much it is in Canada...but in Florida its cont 79 cent.

09-25-03, 04:50 AM
Another way of looking at it...... A snakes natural source of water in the wild would be completely unsuitable and unsafe for children or adults alike, same with their food, if you fed your child a f/t mouse or rat its likely to make them poorly and really upset their stomach, but for a snake it a very tasty meal?
Just some food for thought?

09-25-03, 04:57 AM
No pun intended LOL!