View Full Version : My cage steup--*trace*

09-23-03, 09:15 PM
Hey trace, you wanted to see how my cage is steup, i hope this works, if the picture doesnt show can someone delte this theard for me thanks. this side of the cage is not in use right now, so its a little bit messy


and this is the side im using

i bought the mesh stuff at walmart, and bought some wood! it turn out to like $60!!!!! i was amazed, and this cage is pretty big!, i also made another cage, planing to get a baby veiled, not sure, but i already got the cage ready, i just need to get the picture on my comp. The little one is ALOT better then this one, and that costed me around $50, cause it was a type of metal instead of plastic mesh. ill post a pic up soon.


09-23-03, 10:00 PM
Hey Meow!

That cage is perfect for a chameleon! It's got a warm basking spot and access to the UV bulb. Awesome! Approximately how big is the side you are using? TeeHee, you can see your chameleon having fun in his plant too. Cute!

