View Full Version : Veggie tips

09-23-03, 01:05 PM
Can you guys give me some tips for getting Gus to eat veggies? Actually let me clarify that....he does eat veggies and likes them, BUT, it is a long slow process, and he has no idea what he is doing.

Are most chams like this or does he have no clue how to do this because his former owner never gave him veggies of any kind???? He really doesn't know what to do. When I place a bowl or plate (i have tried LOTS of feeding methods) he is eager to check it out and comes right over in seconds, but he tries and tries and tries to "catch" the veggies like he would a cricket, with his tongue. Normally this gets him one tiny piece of veggie per ten tongue tries and he gets really discouraged!!!! They just don't stick to his tongue like an insect would. I tried drying them off but this doesn't seem to help.

Only three times now has he just put his head down and munched on a bite like an iguana would. It's so rare that he does it this way, that I jsut normally sit there for an hour a day trying to get him to eat more somehow. I wiggle them in front of him which works *Sometimes* but most of the time its been a lot of time and work for like a teaspoon amount of veggies per week, if that. And its not because he isn't willing, it just seems like he doesn't know how and I haven't foudn the way to make it easier for him.

Any tips would be great.

09-23-03, 02:52 PM
hmmm well you have to ask trace this one, but im gonna guess and give it a shot(trace correct me if im wrong). Well i read a lot of care sheets, and i have never heard of feeding them veggies. i just hear that they would sometimes eat leaves, off a live plant and stuff, but never heard of feeding them veggies. I just gut load my crikets, with veggies and fruits, thats where my chameleon get his veggies, but it seems that Gus wants to get veggies, right of the bowl. just giving it a shot hope it helps


Wuntu Menny
09-23-03, 02:52 PM
They really have a hard time adapting to the inanimate food thing. The technique he's using sounds about par for the course. It is pretty comical to watch, isn't it? After a few sessions of it, they usually get the hang of not using the tongue.

My old male used to love bananas and hybiscus blossoms most. I've also had success with nasturtium flowers, apple, pear, tomato, plums, apricot, mango, kale, spinach, mustard greens, and more stuff I can'y even recall. Stay clear of the citrus or anything highly acidic like pineapple etc.

You really should try the hybiscus flowers, its hilarious. You would swear their eyes bug out at the sight. My male used to look like a cat about to pounce on a mouse when he spotted a freshly opened blossom.


09-25-03, 11:20 AM
Hi thanks well I will try that.

Right now he is offered all my iguanas food. This includes collard greens, butternut squash (other winter squashes as well) green beans in small amounts, mustard greens, etc etc.

I will try the flowers for sure! I hope he does get a better handle on it soon, it sure is time consuming! lol
