View Full Version : BP Feeding question

GI Joe
09-23-03, 08:50 AM
I am having trouble switching my BP to rats. I have tried rats that are the same size as the mice she's been eating, I've tried rat pups, nothing.

I've been gone 8 days, just knew she was hungry. Put a small rat in and she smelled it all over then ignored it. Put two mice in and she snapped them up in a flash.


09-23-03, 09:19 AM

Are you feeding live or f/t? If your feeding f/t, try thawing a rat with a mouse in the same pot so the scent gets one the rat. This might intise him to eat the rat. Hope it helps!!

Big Mike
09-23-03, 09:44 AM
Ya, scenting the rats with the mice should help. You could also try feeding a mouse immediately followed by a rat. Sometimes they get into a feeding mode and want to eat anything. Maybe then they will recognize the rat as food.

09-23-03, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Big Mike
Ya, scenting the rats with the mice should help. You could also try feeding a mouse immediately followed by a rat. Sometimes they get into a feeding mode and want to eat anything. Maybe then they will recognize the rat as food.

Yeah, my friend did as Big Mike said and it worked perfectly!!



09-23-03, 11:57 AM

Keep us posted!!!! :)

09-23-03, 12:06 PM
Well don't let her eat for a while (like 2 weeks), and the scent a f/t rat (I know this might sound gross) with a f/t mouses blood, fur, and brains. I know it might be messy, but it might work to! Good luck and keep us posted!

GI Joe
09-23-03, 12:20 PM
She won't eat F/T only F/K (actually stunned, she doesn't even take F/K most of the time). I will try the mouse followed by a rat. If that doesn't work I will try to scent the rat. Thanks all

Big Mike
09-23-03, 01:02 PM
Maybe hold off on the switch to rats and get her on f/t...that is a lot more important than switching from mice to rats.

09-23-03, 05:02 PM
Keep tring diffrent ways of scenting. but do not give in and give it a mouse unless a couple of months go by and she still refuses to eat a rat. Im am almost positive that when it gets hungry it will take a rat. same for switching to f/t. It is better to let a snake go hungry for a while then to risk a bad bite every time you feed, especially when you do switch to rats!!


09-23-03, 06:30 PM
my ball is also a finiky eater, she absolutly refuses to eat frozen thawed, she will only take fresh killed so i made a gas chamber, and it works like a charm, now as for the rats i'de have to agree with big mike.....getting her to eat the pre killed food would be the best, now I personally switched mine over to gerbils, and she is like a little savage when it comes to eating now..... i also only feed her every 10- 15 days.