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09-23-03, 06:21 AM
if i have 100% het for albino...breed to a normal female. when can i expect albinos?
do i take the offspring from that clutch and breed them to other hets? breed the siblings together?
any input?

09-23-03, 07:35 AM
You will get 50% hets. In other words, half the babies will be het, and none will be albino. Unless of course your normal just happens to be het too, in which case you should get 1 in 4 albino offsprings and the rest would be 66% het.

To get albinos, you need recessive genes from both parents. If you breed your 50% het offspring to each other, unless my math is off, 1 in 4 pairings should end up being het-het crossings, with 1 in 4 of their offsprings albino.


09-23-03, 07:37 AM
What you would get is
50% normal
50% hets

However, they would all look normal. What you should do is forget the normal, and get another het. That would give you this
25% normals
50% hets
25% albinos

You do not want to breed related pairs, due to genetic possibility of deformities. Would suck to get some albinos and have to put them down because their insides were on the outside, or other abnormalities.

On the other hand, if you can afford an albino, this is what you would get.
50% hets
50% albinos

09-23-03, 08:45 AM
ok, lets chat further.

what IF i got a 100 % pied bred to a 66% albino?

do 66% albino pairs produce 25% albinos?

09-23-03, 08:47 AM
what about a 50 pied with a 66 albino?

09-23-03, 09:53 AM
Burm, breeding related pairs is EXACTLY what you want to do. How do you think a line is proven out? When you have a morph, you breed it to another snake, the result are 100% hets (assuming we're working with a simple recessive gene) you then breed the baby back to it's parent to produce the lineage. AND you can line-breed for generations upon generations.

09-23-03, 12:48 PM
BurmBaroness I was alwas under the impresion that when you bred two 100%hets the out come was ..

33.33..% normal
33.33..% hets
33.33..% albinos

and since you canot tell the difrence betwean a het and a normal that is why we call the hets from a het to het breeding 66% hets becaus when you stick you hande and pull a snake out you have 66% chance of puling out a het.

09-23-03, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by chondro python
BurmBaroness I was alwas under the impresion that when you bred two 100%hets the out come was ..

33.33..% normal
33.33..% hets
33.33..% albinos

No..you get 25% albinos, 50% het and 25% normal. The albinos you can tell from the others, so when you remove them from the pile, two thirds of the remaining normal looking ones will be het (66.67%), and one third will be normal (33.33%).

09-23-03, 02:31 PM
what if i bred 2 66% hets for albino together? would i get albinos?

09-23-03, 03:14 PM
I think you may not quite have a grasp on genetics or perhaps the terms used when speaking of simple recessive traits, such as albanism.

A 66% possible het does not carry 66% of the albino gene. It has a 66% chance of being a 100% het.

Trying to predict the outcome of a 66% possible het pairing would be kind of silly as the animals are not proven to be hets or normals.

Hope to have helped a little.

09-23-03, 06:00 PM
Ok now it all makes sence to me now no wonder I was alwase mixed up about genetic's.

09-23-03, 06:05 PM
so when they say 66% het on k i ng snake dot com its not really a het?

09-24-03, 06:24 AM
There is no way to tell either way if indeed a 66% possible het is indeed a het or not. If there was a way, we wouldn't need terms like 66% possible het ;)

Let's take a simple recessive such as Albino for the following example.

<li>An Albino X Albino produces all Albino offspring.</li>

<li>An Albino X Het Albino pairing would produce half of the clutch being Albinos and the other half of the clutch being 100% Het Albino.</li>

<li>Albino X Normal - The resulting offspring are all 100% het for albino.</li>

<li>Het Albino X Het Albino - One in four babies will be an Albino, one in four will be Normal, and two in four will be 100% Het Albinos. The problem is of the three normal looking babies, two are hets and one is normal but how to tell them apart? It's not possbile. This is where the term 66% possible Het Albinos come in.

09-24-03, 07:15 AM
The simple fact is, when you buy ANYTHING that is not 100% het, you will never know whether it is a true het without breeding it out first. It is a gamble to purchase 50% or 66% hets, because you won't know for several years whether the genetic trait it MIGHT be carrying is actually present. Always buy poss hets from soemone you trust, ask for pics of the parents, ask for pics of the clutch hatching, showing a homozygous baby hatching out in the same clutch. There are MANY scammers out there selling normals as hets, and by the time you breed them out for the trait, these scammers are long gone. Again, if it isn't 100% het, you may be buying a normal for a bigger price, you won't know till it breeds out. Even with the 100% hets, buy from soemone you trust, and get documentation.