View Full Version : Monitor.... which one??

Solid Snake
09-22-03, 10:29 PM
Ok i was thinking about getting a monitor but i really want something thats active and not too big. I don't have any experience in large lizards. I have Boids though.

Anyway, I was thinking of getting a Savanah... they look a tad bit lazy. But they're still cool. Nile monitors would have been my pick but they grow way too big and i don't have the money to build an inclosure for it. Tegus are ok... i always see them sleep.

Well, i have to make a selection by next week. Any suggestions.

Oh yea btw, i had a topic on UVB, monitors dont need it to thrive right?

09-22-03, 10:44 PM
id go with a blackthroat, or a savvy. the savvys may look lazy but if given space and heat they're pretty active. as for UVB, i dont use a lamp for my nile, but i do have him in the sun.

Solid Snake
09-22-03, 10:53 PM
in the sun? wouldn't that fry your monitor?

09-22-03, 11:05 PM
hey Paul I would realy say a savanah if that is what you want I would not say a black through simply the get about the same size as niles so I would go with a savanah ya they are bog but not giants so you could still work with it unlike a black throught unles you have experience that animal will throw you like a rag doll around the cage just to show you what I mean her is a pic ov a good size black throught. make a wise decision and you will never look back on your purches.

09-23-03, 06:35 AM
Look up some of the other dwarf monitors. You're in the US so alot of them are alot more readily available then to us Canadians! we are quick to suggest alot of the giants, because for the time being its the most readily available species.

I would check out Argus monitors, Goulds, Freckleds, they are all large however not the most heavily bodied varanids around. Good luck with your decision.

Edited to also ad Dumerals Monitors, These guys can be everything you would want. Not too large, quite docile and good feeders.

09-23-03, 08:47 AM
If they want something that doesnt get too big then suggest and Ackie, occaisional Reds are known to reach 30 inches, yellows 16-19 or so inches. Savannahs (Bosc) are medium sized species that can be 2.5-4+ ft. The Albig is a large species, Ive saw a male that was 7ft 3 inches once, and my current female is almost 6 ft and less than 22 months old.

09-23-03, 09:32 AM
Ahh, just noticed you're not in the US my mistake. Go with an ackie alot easier to find, and even niagara reptiles just hatched freckleds if you want something different.

Sav's are good as well, but i'd wait on one to make sure you really do enjoy varanids.

09-23-03, 02:51 PM
Why don't you choose a tegu? The merianae or the rufescens are good choice