View Full Version : Hi all!

07-28-02, 09:53 PM
Just thought that I'd introduce myself, since I'm new to this site, although some of you might know me from others :)

I'm an admitted gecko addict, especially leopard geckos :) (and NO, snakes aren't going to grow on me *grin*... can't stand to touch the things, although I have to admit that they're pretty to look at :))
I currently have 11 leopard geckos, and 1 crested gecko (Jessa, an almost 5 month old dark fire female).
As far as leopard geckos, I have:
3 adults:
- Cujo, a hypo tangerine male from Woodland Edge Herps
- Zith, a lavendar circleback female from Arboreal Exotics
- Dallas, a rainbow female from Curtis Exotics
And then 8 babies, all around the same age (3 months)
- Cal (formerly Callista, until she turned into a he on me!), a high yellow male with reduced spotting -- the fattest little guy in the world, 34g and only 3 months old! Wow... hehe :) He came from Cindy the Reptilewoman
- Katie, a blizzard het female, from CrestedGecko.com through Russell Behr
- Merlin, a blizzard male, also through Russell
- Hailey, a hypo tangerine female from Sean Day
- Pandora, a yellow banded female albino from HQ Reptiles
- Montana, an orange banded female albino from Ron Tremper though Gregg Lang (DoubleG)
- Rhapsoy, a yellow banded female albino through Gregg
- Aidan, a tangerine banded male albino through Gregg

That's all of 'em :) You'll definitely be seeing more of me, and if anyone is interested I've got a bunch of pics posted at the links below, the pics in the albino album are from the last 2 weeks, but the ones in the other album were all taken today while I was cleaning out tanks :)

Albino Pics http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4291568165

In addition to the geckos, I've also got 2 cats, 1 freshwater fish tank, and 2 saltwater reef tanks... as far as I'm concerned, all I'm missing is a puppy, and I'll be happy with my little personal zoo :)


07-28-02, 10:11 PM
Welcome to sSNAKESs.com! :bounce:

07-28-02, 10:44 PM
Wow .. that's quite the collection.


07-29-02, 02:59 AM

Darren Hamill
07-29-02, 04:46 AM
Welcome Jen! :D

07-29-02, 07:13 AM

NIce gecko collection... I love to see some pics!


Big Mike
07-29-02, 08:08 AM
Welcome :cool:

07-29-02, 08:30 AM
Welcome, give the snakes a chance come on.

07-29-02, 11:37 AM
welcome, not a lizzard person myself but am considering it. Welcome to the zoo lol

07-29-02, 12:16 PM

07-29-02, 01:00 PM
Welcome aboard!

07-29-02, 04:47 PM
Welcome Clownfishie!!!
Remind me never to get into geckos, they seem to be the most addictive reptile of all!!

07-29-02, 04:56 PM
welcome and post some pics we'll get those snakers to come around yet

11-01-03, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Clownfishie
(and NO, snakes aren't going to grow on me *grin*... can't stand to touch the things, although I have to admit that they're pretty to look at :))

LMAO Jen, no snakes eh??? HAHAHAHA, how long did that last??? Amazing how things change huh??? :P

(note, this thread is from AGES ago, so please, dont reply to it welcoming Jen to the site)

11-02-03, 01:11 PM
LMAO Jen, thats so funny. It is the same for me too, I was strictly into boids when I joined, but now I have a pair of texas rats, AND a leo.

I blame it all on ssnakess.

11-02-03, 01:20 PM
LOL Edwin... I know, me too! It's allll their fault *grin*. My resolve lasted for all of 3 months -- pretty pathetic, eh? Hehe...

Oh well, there's definitely no going back now! :D