View Full Version : Water Question?

09-22-03, 02:56 PM
I was curious to see what water do you guys use for your reptiles. Do you use tap water, bottle water, etc... I use bottle water but im looking for a cheaper and safer solution. I am thinking about getting a brita filter to possibly solve this problem of mine. What are your thoughts? :D


09-22-03, 03:37 PM
You could always try boiling your tap water! I personally use Tap water because our water is pretty safe (as far as I know, anyway)... but I suppose it would depend on where you live! For the cheap solution, I'd say boil your water and when it cools off it should be good to use... Good luck! I'd imagine bottled water would be rather costly!!


09-22-03, 03:40 PM
I use filtered water... the same stuff I use for myself ;)

09-22-03, 03:45 PM
ive always used tap water but you could buy a R.O machine for about $300 USD it is cheaper to have the machine for 5 years when you spending 300 on bottle a year

09-22-03, 03:50 PM
I've always used bottled water

09-22-03, 03:54 PM
I use tap water, but it's "aged". I let it sit in a container for 48 hours before giving it to any of my herps. This allows the chlorine to dissipate. It's then safe to use for all of my snakes and tree frogs.

09-22-03, 03:59 PM
Just wondering... for tree frogs, do you have to use tap water because of the minerals it has? (As opposed to distilled water, I mean)... Thanks :D


09-22-03, 04:14 PM
Right now we use tap water, in about a week we will be using well water.

09-22-03, 04:19 PM
I couldn't afford any other type of water but Tap water...too many water dishes, but the water is pailed and open for 2 days....

09-22-03, 04:20 PM
First, the pH of our tap water is correct for amphibians. Second, the minerals. Distilled, reverse osmosis, and de-ionized water should never be used on Amphibians. Here's why -http://www.livingunderworld.org/amphibianArticles/article0006.htm
Good info, all amphib owners should read.

09-22-03, 05:06 PM
Very informative enso, great site.

09-22-03, 05:31 PM
If my snakes can drink out of stagnant ponds in Africa, I'm guessing that my tap water should be adequate. Though I do have one BP who will only drink lemon-flavoured Perrier.........

09-22-03, 05:47 PM
I use tapwater treated with aquarium water purifier, since I seem to recall from my fish days that only chlorine is offgassed by aging water, not chloramines, which remain in the water.

09-22-03, 05:48 PM
You take your snakes to Africa to drink out of stagnant ponds? Hmm... Those same snakes are probably rife with internal parasites and ticks. Not advised.

09-22-03, 05:59 PM
I use Brita water and tap water when I forget to refill it. My frog only gets spring water. Tap water may have all the correct minerals that your frog requires, but it also has a lot of undesirable additives. Spring water is both clean and has all the necessary minerals. I don't use distilled water for anything in the house. IMHO minerals are in the water for a reason.

09-22-03, 06:25 PM
Enso, good idea! Guess I can save some money on plane tickets, seems I can simply turn on the faucet?? See, you learn something new every day. If my snakes have lived for millions of years drinking out of still, stagnant ponds in Africa, then tap water isn't going to kill the ones that I own. 'Cept for that perrier-drinking one.......

09-22-03, 06:27 PM
Yes mykee i understood perfectly. Have to get that one off of the Perrier, you'll go broke. =P

09-22-03, 07:22 PM
distilled water is good for human drinking, provided you have a ballanced diet. it's also great for humidifiers and making spirits.

09-22-03, 09:21 PM
My snakes drink Jim Beam. I have one that prefers Wild Turkey, but he only gets that at holidays.

09-23-03, 08:37 AM
I'm trying to do a bunch of research on the water i use for my herps. I don't use tap water cause of all the bad things that can come thru the water ex... Giardia (sp) and crypto... I'm already losing one colony to crypto not risking it anymore!!!! Found out some interesting information bottle water that everyones buying only has to stand up to the same standards as tap water. I'm looking into different filters and that reverse osmosis water to see what would be better...