View Full Version : Pic of our rescue snake

09-22-03, 02:48 AM
Here is a pic of the corn snake we rescued.
We took him back to fuzzies after he kept regurging, we fed him 3 days ago and nearly took my husbands hand off in the process.lol, so far he has kept it down :)
Yesterday and today he has been continually searching his cage for more food,but we're gonna wait til a week is up before feeding him again.

Any way here's Amber

09-22-03, 03:10 AM
Awesome rescue man.......good luck with her. I'm assuming fuzzy mice?? Get her on rats......pinkies are about the same size as fuzzys. I HATE feeding my snakes mice.....

09-22-03, 03:29 AM
We tried giving her weaner rats and that was when he started to regurge, thats why we took him right back down to fuzzy mice.
Once we know he will keep it down we're gonna try building him up to twice weekly

09-22-03, 03:33 AM
Congratulations on getting him to eat :D

09-22-03, 03:51 AM
OH ok ........sounds good to me I'm happy you tried rats is all:)

09-22-03, 04:07 AM
the boy who had him before was feeding him a small mouse every 3 weeks, so we have to get him used to eating more often.

09-22-03, 04:11 AM
*Sigh*........he's in good hands now though.

09-22-03, 05:03 AM
It's obvious that he is way better off now. Best of luck with this one.

09-22-03, 07:08 AM
congrats on ur rescue

09-22-03, 07:08 AM
congrats on ur rescue

09-22-03, 08:32 AM
Very glad to hear this guy is coming along well. I think you are definately on the right course of action given his history and your experiences with him. Take it slow to make good steady progress. He had been underfed for a long time and needs time to adjust to a new routine. He looks like a great snake and hopefully will have a great life with you,

mary v.

09-22-03, 10:53 AM
Great work you 2 Keep it up!!!

Hopefully s/he will start eating really good for you.

09-22-03, 10:57 AM
Nice job on the rescue, good luck with him!!!


09-22-03, 05:24 PM
Congratulations on your rescue, I'm happy to see the snake in good hands. :)

09-22-03, 06:03 PM
Good to hear he's in good hands and making such progress! Congrats!!! :)

09-22-03, 06:35 PM
Beautiful rescue! Hope he keeps eating for you!!

09-22-03, 06:38 PM
good luck, when i had corns i fed them eather adult mice or wanling rats.

09-23-03, 11:27 AM
so has he kept it down still? he looks to be not to bad, but its hard to tell

09-23-03, 03:15 PM
He's kept it down and pooped so things are looking up :).

from the pick he doesn't look too bad, but his back bone sticks right out and he's lost some of his scales along his back where he has been roughly treated, and you can feel his ribs.

when my husband fed him the other day, he was starving and took the fuzzy no probs,my husband put his hand back in the cage to put some fresh water in and he nearly took his hand off, so given the chance he would eat alot more, but when he does he regurges.

09-23-03, 07:00 PM
Very nice, congrats! :D

09-24-03, 09:09 AM
thats good to hear. Soon he'll be munching down elephants;)

09-24-03, 10:36 AM
Just give him lots of tlc it can get quite fustrating with rescues i have 2 that i took in about a yr ago now and they are doing so fantastik, I went through similar probs but it is so rewarding in the end i now have 2 georgeous corns that yes are quite a bit smaller than they should be but they are now happy healthy members of our family, I'm so happy that your giving him a chance, Good Luck and all my best to you and your hubby it's great that there are ppl out there like you :)

09-25-03, 10:00 AM
Nice looking girl!

I have a little boy who would just love to meet her... at the right time of year of course... (grin)

Just wanted to add my vote of congrats for doing the good deed and taking her in - rescues are the most rewarding, I think. You can actually see the difference you can make to an animals life.

Well done,


09-26-03, 10:42 PM
glad she kept the food down...keep us posted....:)

10-01-03, 08:59 AM
how is she doing know? has she put on any weight? is she keeping her food down? what is she eating now? what does her poo look like? is she active?