View Full Version : housing snakes at a weekend expo.....

09-21-03, 09:21 PM
I'm curious to hear what measures people take when taking reptiles to an expo. where they will be away from home for a few days?....It would not seem realistic to take a large enclosure for a large snake along for the ride....what would suffice in such a situation?

09-22-03, 12:54 AM
Hello Yvonne. I'm not sure if you're a vendor or not, but obviously you need appropriate "display" housing if this is the case, but that goes without saying.
But for snakes, they are easy to deal with for a couple days... I used to take 50 or so to schools for shows... I just bagged them all individually in pillow cases and stuffed them in a big suit case. It just looked like I was on a business trip! LOL
Suitcases have locks and good zippers too, so this ads to security, and being escape proof which is essential.

09-22-03, 01:59 AM
We bag them and put them in coolers. when ever we get to the destanation we leave the lids undone. Looks like we're going to a picnic.

09-22-03, 07:06 AM
thanks for the replies. Roy-I am not a vendor that uses snakes but I was going to use a snake in an artisitic photo shoot away from home. After thinking about it, I decided against the idea...it would just cause unnecessary stress for the animal and stress for me too. I'd be staying in a hotel and worrying about the snake the whole weekend for a 4 hour shoot. Its not worth it.
I don't think the snake will be very dissappointed about not having her picture taken!lol

09-22-03, 04:17 PM
I'm not sure who it's more stressful for, us or the animal, I think the animal is fine, as long as temps are good, it's just like being in a hide box for an extended period of time. Of course the standard rules for shipping apply, do not feed for a week.