09-21-03, 08:45 PM
I went to my parent's house for lunch today, and was dismayed to find out my mom had called the neighbor to come over and kill a baby black rat snake last night. I spent a couple of hours looking for its siblings, with no luck. So I went back around dusk to pick up my kids, and looked around for another 40 minutes or so, still nothing. Finally, I gave up and was standing outside by my truck, and this little guys just slithered out from under a bush, about 4ft away from me. Needless to say, I scooped him up.......lol. He was pretty calm, not trying to bite or poop on me, so I brought him home. I will continue to search for more siblings, which I will then relocate to a more snake-friendly area, ie woods.:) This one, tho, I will be keeping. Here is a pic of my son holding him/her.
Nicky, the baby black rat who won't lose his pretty little head!
Nicky, the baby black rat who won't lose his pretty little head!