View Full Version : The Best Substrates???...

09-21-03, 12:07 PM
I'd like to know what type of substrate you use(or have used) for your bloods or short-tails, and if you have had any problems with it. For example, does your snake's scales "dimple"? When they burrow, do they get peices stuck in their mouth? Is it hard to keep wet? Does your snake get peices in its mouth when it is eating etc. I'd like to have as many people as possible respond, because I am thinking about changing my substrates(newspaper). Please respond and give your opinion on what is the best or worst substrates,

09-21-03, 04:03 PM
I use newspaper or paper towel for my bloods, don't soak it and change it every couple days, or sooner if they deficate. It's worked well for me.

09-21-03, 08:01 PM
I used to use cypress mulch but i use newspaper now, and i have never had a problem with humidty or the snakes (i.e. no feeding responce, bad sheads ex.) so for my money they boath work great, but for MY MONEY ill stick with newspaper.

Grant vg
09-21-03, 09:32 PM
newspaper and paper towel..:)

09-21-03, 09:49 PM
I use newspaper or papertowel if the snake is ok with that...lol... I have one here that has recently been switched to bath towels because within an hour or so after cleaning his cage this is what it would look like... :rolleyes:

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/507/22darkymess.jpg">

Grant vg
09-21-03, 09:50 PM
awwww....is that darky? lol....what a little pain in the a$$!!

09-21-03, 10:56 PM
lol, he looks soooo suspicious in that pic! :P

09-22-03, 12:03 AM
LOL Darky is a pain in the a$$ indeed! LOL and what a sight... everytime I open his cage he does his closed mouth quick hiss followed by the hyperventilating, sitting in a pile of mess he's made his cage in to, and ALWAYS has that look. It's too funny... like a kid that made a mess, knows he's in trouble, and about to throw a big tantrum :p

Grant vg
09-22-03, 12:39 AM
ive noticed that when my bloods make a big mess, whether it be tip a water bowl, defecate, pee, etc... they are always more hissy in getting out of the cage...

has anyone else noticed that?

09-22-03, 09:41 AM
Darky is pretty well the most vocal STP I have ever met... you don't have to do more than open his rubbermaid 1/2" to get him started then he just keeps on going with his complaining :rolleyes: My female is about average I'd say for vocalizing... the only time she increase her hissiness is when she's opaque... Darky couldn't increase his anymore if he wanted to :p Haven't noticed any difference in behaviour from messy cages though.

09-22-03, 04:13 PM
Thanks everyone, I think I'll try what Linds said. My blood always burrows under her paper towels and spills her water dish so I think I'll try bath towels. I'll just keep my Borneo on newspaper cause he's fine on it.
Thanks again!

09-29-03, 10:57 PM
I use "nature bark" and it seems really good. I also have about 3 inches of sterlized moss.

10-06-03, 05:50 AM
I keep a seperate plastic dish with moist mulch large enough for my baby to get in. she likes to burrow, especially after feeding. when she gets hungry she comes out. if she defecates in the mulch it is easy to clean. the rest of the tank is carpet. i mist the mulch every other day. good luck.