View Full Version : So Hard To Choose

09-20-03, 07:31 PM
Alright guys, my birthday is ten days away and while I'm at the Totally Pets Show, I'm visiting PCPC and mom says she's 95% sure she'll let me get a snakey.

However, now that I'm trying to choose, my brains are dying...lol

So I've narrowed the list down to five snakes. Three boids and two colubrids.
-Ball Python (male)
-Brazilian Rainbow Boa (male)
-Kenyan Sand Boa
-Apricot Pueblan Milksnake
-Black Mexican Kingsnake

Now, I only have two tanks...a 15 Gallon and a 3' by 1' by 1'. So for all I know, some of these won't even BE an option. The other thing, one of the reasons for me loving Boids is because of the lack of musking. They CAN musk, but they usually choose another defense mechanism lol However, taming the Colubrid down would probably eliminate most musking experiences! lol

So I ask you guys your opinions. Please vote and even leave a message saying why :)


09-20-03, 07:40 PM
I'd be torn between the ball and the rainbow. I can't even vote for one or the other. I'd say get mom to buy one and the boyfriend to buy the other LOL! You're blonde right? You can pull that off.LOL!

09-20-03, 07:44 PM
HAHAHA I'm not blonde, but I COULD pull it off ;) (Don't have a boyfriend, but have lots of boys! lol)


09-20-03, 07:50 PM
I'd say the BRB. I'm dying to get my hands on a pair.

09-20-03, 07:59 PM
I vote for the sand boa! They are so neat!


09-20-03, 08:44 PM
Don't have a boyfriend, but have lots of boys!

Well, That’s perfect… You can have all 5 snakes… :p

A beautiful girl like you, I’m sure there’s a line up of boys willing to buy you a present.

And if all the boys in your life are too cheap to buy you all five and you can only get one, I think you should get the rainbow.

09-20-03, 08:44 PM
personally Id just wait till I get there, check them out and see which one Im drawn to.

09-20-03, 08:49 PM
*jumps up and down*

The BRB JENN!!!!

09-20-03, 08:51 PM
I like them better than all the other ones.
I have kept all of them before and got rid of most of them except the BRB and the Ball Pythons. But since you said that you are more of a boid guy so I say BRB (I think that they are more attractive~)

Try corns...lol..I love corns

09-20-03, 09:20 PM
I just got a female ball ...shes absolutely amazing .. however I am partial to kenyans ... either I feel are great ...

09-20-03, 09:34 PM
A beautiful girl like you, I’m sure there’s a line up of boys willing to buy you a present.

Haha funny you mention that, ever wonder where that spare 3 foot long tank is coming from? HAHAHA


09-20-03, 09:43 PM
I'd go for the brb, or the bp :)

09-20-03, 09:47 PM
Sand Boa, hands down !! Very cool & easy to care for little guys. I totally adore them. It sounded as if the 3 foot tank was a borrower ??? Just in case; since your size requirement question hasn't been answered yet; your sand boa would easily be accommodated by your 15g. Good luck whatever your choice & congrats on the wonderful b-day present.

09-20-03, 09:51 PM
Nope the 3 foot tank is a keeper too, the guy is buying it for me complete with lid lol :)


09-20-03, 10:05 PM
I'd say Kenyan or BP. Kenyans are pretty cool, but so are BPs... Well, two tanks, why not two snakes? 3 months and 5 days from now is Christmas, right? ;)

09-20-03, 10:51 PM
I have wanted a pair of BRB's for a long time myself. That would be my choice.

Jeff Hathaway
09-21-03, 06:11 AM
Hi Jenn,

Having 4 of your 5 choices here currently, I'll offer these comments:
-personally, I'd choose the ball or BRB, probably the BRB
-even the 3' tank isn't really a great size for an adult ball, and especially for an adult BRB. I think 4'Lx1.5' W is about the minimum footprint; height is largely irrelevant for both species. So plan to get a bigger tank within a few years if you choose one of these two.
-CB kingsnakes and milksnakes that are handled regularly will generally be relatively calm, and musking isn't too common

When will you be at the Totally Pets Show? We'll have a booth there but I will only be there on Sat. after 3.

Have fun,

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!

09-21-03, 07:55 AM
I'll most likely, if all things go as planned, be there Friday and Saturday.


09-21-03, 08:36 AM
I initially voted for BP since I have one and IJC are not on the list. I would choose a Kenyan though since they are on my next to get list :D

Colonel SB
09-21-03, 08:55 AM
I'd go apricote Puelban they are killer :)

09-21-03, 10:49 AM
I LOVE BRBs, and that was going to be my only vote, but then I noticed that you don't already own a bp. If you don't have one, you gotta get one. But Jay's got a point...why not two?

09-21-03, 11:20 AM
I find bp's boring (again my own opinion). They don't move too much, they're common as dirt and well, I'm a colubrid person.

I say mex black. They get to a decent size, don't musk once they're tamed, not too expensive which leaves you money to get a lot of cool supplies. Plus the really black ones are just stunningly gorgeous, black and irridescent, ooooooo....

I find that not a lot of BRB's live up to my expectations of a RED and shiny snake. Even those tooted as RED, just aren't.

09-21-03, 11:22 AM
Ball python would be my pick! Good Luck with whatever you choose :D


09-23-03, 08:29 PM
My vote definitely is the Kenyan. Most docile species alive, easy as hell to care for, a species that will actually THRIVE in a well-ventilated open-top aquarium with a UTH, and overall just an incredible species to work with. But, all of your choices there will bring you a lot of joy, I'm sure. :)

Snakey Acres
09-23-03, 09:11 PM
My first choice would be the BRB I have 2.3 of them and they among my top 3 faves for all snakes.I'm not too big on bp's I've seen too many feeding and sheding difficultys with them(I know lots of you will argue that,just my experience)and I tend to worry to much fo that.I had kenyans for a while but didn't find a tank full of sand and a burryed snake to be too cool.
I've also had both of the colubrids my favorite of them was the Black Mexican a clean black one is an awsome looking animal,particularly like the gunmetal color on the belly.