View Full Version : water monitor cage

09-20-03, 01:57 PM
does anyone have any ideas on a cage for my water monitor? any pics would be greatly appreciated.:grab:

09-20-03, 02:06 PM
yes sure---my cousin has make a mesh tank wiv a wooden frame.
it only cost about £50 to make!!! except, he is getting a chameleon... a large tank with maybe a fountain or steam???
with lots of foliage. go on designing-type sites to get more ideas
sorri i couldnt b more help!

09-23-03, 04:35 PM
check out the pro exotics website, they have tons of pictures of water monitor enclosures (along with alot of other enclosures), pictures of them being built, etc...very good for visual refrence. Most of their tanks are constructed from stock tanks and plywood.

Gregg M
09-23-03, 04:56 PM
Well it needs to be atleast 8 feet long and 5 feet high and 4 feet deep....... They need lots of dirt to dig in....... Atleast a foot deep........ A big water basin and logs and stuff to climb and hide under........ Waters get large and are not good for a first monitor....... People realy do not know what they are getting into when they buy a water........ Here is a good site for water monitors...... www.cybersalvator.com They guy that runs the site knows what he is talking about and he is also a regular on this site too.......

09-23-03, 08:36 PM
I wouldn't put a water moniter in a mesh cage, you would have one holey cage and one missing monitor.

What greg said is perfect, and can be made easily out of melamine.

09-23-03, 10:48 PM
Mesh cage + monitor (any species) = dead monitor and empty mesh cage.