View Full Version : Jungle Spot?

09-20-03, 01:22 PM
Ok, I have heard everwhere that one thing to look for in a jungle ball is the light distictive spot on the top of the head, and 2 toned Iris's. (And maybe be brighter colored then the average "brown" normal?) Well, I swear one of my '03 females fits that discription, and when I tried to take a picture of her, my camera made her look "normal" (i.e, the bright yellow spots look brown).

I am totally fine with having a normal little girl, cuz she is absolutely beautiful! I purchased her as a normal CH from a lot of.... ALOT! lol... I was just wondering if she could have gotten mixed in with all those, and the guy just didn't notice it right away?
I looked her over and over, up and down, and the only part of her that has any brown at all is on her head, and alittle spot maybe half way down her body. Any thoughts?

I already posted pics of her, but here is just a couple for references:




09-20-03, 01:26 PM
In my personal opinion, that to me does look like a classic jungle ball python due to the irises and the irregular blotches, but I am no expert.

09-20-03, 03:13 PM
well in that case. mines a jungle too! she has two tone eyes, and those yellow blotches on her snoute.......plus she has a gorgeous yellow pattern, ill post pics later, this is exciting c ya


09-20-03, 07:08 PM


09-20-03, 10:08 PM
In that case as is my little female, and my male as well.....They both have 2 tone eyes, and irregular blotches of "yellow gold" or "olive color" on them....:) lol

09-21-03, 07:26 AM

Not sure, but I do notice the different pattern on the last half of the body.


That's a normal dude. Sorry....


09-21-03, 09:19 AM
They all look normal to me...

09-21-03, 09:24 AM
They all look normal to me as well....not saying that to be offensive, please don't take it that way but both the eyes and pattern look normal. Normals are beautiful and highly variable.


09-21-03, 11:08 AM
that's a normal. check on breeder websites for pictures of jungles....the spot on the top of the head is really, really distinctive. most balls i've seen have a bit of a lighter patch, but go to ballpython.com or something to see the true jungles.

09-21-03, 01:21 PM
Thanks guys, I knew I had a normal, just seeing everyone's opinion. =)

Take care

09-21-03, 03:05 PM
Yeah all normals. Cause I dont think a guy would sell me a Jungle Ball for 25...which i got my female for and she looks like those:)