View Full Version : Food?

09-20-03, 12:51 AM

I found this list online and i was wondering if there is anything on this list that seems like a bad idea to be feeding a beardie on a regular basis
Turnip, Mustard, Collards, Kale, Bok Choy, Chickory/ Endive, Escarole, Asparagus, Red and Green Peppers, Clover, Dandelion, Beets, Carrots, Parsley, Parsnip, Hibiscus (flower and leaves), Ice Plant, Melons, Butternut Squash, Raspberries, Watercress, Strawberries, Grapes, sunflower sproutstheir salad they get every second day?

09-20-03, 01:37 AM
The only things I'd limit are the strawberries, raspberries and grapes as fruit should only make up about 5% of the diet. Sunflower sprouts are fine if you sprout them yourself otherwise sprouts are often contaminated with molds from sitting around damp for too long.

Why every second day for salad? By the time a beardie is an adult they should be on salads every day.

09-20-03, 01:52 AM
They are still babies i was told that every second day was alright for salad? They are about 4mths now. What happens when they eat too much berries? its just not as healthy for them? or can it make them sick?Thanks
Kappa + Shannon

09-21-03, 04:00 PM
Fruit is high in sugar and acid. Both kill off the beneficial bacteria that help them to digest food and fight off parasites so it can trigger diarrhea, indigestion, and parasite colonies really taking off.

Recent studies out of Australia show that juvenile beardies have 60% plant-based nutrition in their guts and adults have 90% plant foods. We tend to significantly overfeed live prey in captivity. Salads should make up a large percentage of daily food intake although if a hatchling isn't introduced to salads right from the start it can be tough to convince them that green stuff is edible. ;)