View Full Version : hognose help

09-19-03, 07:42 PM
so i was about a month and a half from getting my dream snake, an hognose, when i told my dad abou the affects of the hognose 'venom' if any. now he is having second thoughts about me owning this magnificent creature. i found a site where a guy let a hognose bite him, and posted pics of the bite.

seen hear http://web.ask.com/redir?bpg=http%3a%2f%2fweb.ask.com%2fweb%3fq%3dhog nose%2bbite%26o%3d0%26page%3d1&q=hognose+bite&u=http%3a%2f%2ftm.wc.ask.com%2fr%3ft%3dan%26s%3da% 26uid%3d01310EFCC7E3E45F3%26sid%3d12E2D973B5BAAB6F 3%26qid%3d8AE8FC52A62A934799B028D3466CA498%26io%3d 0%26sv%3dza5cb0de0%26ask%3dhognose%2bbite%26uip%3d 44540658%26en%3dte%26eo%3d-100%26pt%3dhognose%2bsnake%2bbite%26ac%3d24%26qs%3 d1%26pg%3d1%26u%3dhttp%3a%2f%2fwww.herpnet.net%2fb ite%2f&s=a&bu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.herpnet.net%2fbite%2f

so now the thing is to convice my parents that a hognose is reluctant to bite, and is all show.

and another question i heard somewhere that lemon juice will get a snake to release a hold, so i was wondering if i could keep a small shot of it next to the enclosure just in case, so the animal doesnt get a good bite in

thanx, any help would be great

09-19-03, 07:44 PM
the link isnt working, just go into ask.com and type hognose bite, it should be the first one or two

09-20-03, 08:40 AM
Lemon juice may work to get a hoggie to let go, but the easiest thing to do, is to use feeding tongs when feeding and not handle it after feeding as it may still be in feed mode.

I was bitten by a hognose once, but I fed him without tongs and that's who he nailed me. The back fangs weren't worked in, they really gotta chew to get those into play. Aside from me using mini-hooks to handle hognose now, I suffered no ill effects.

09-22-03, 12:11 AM
I'd have to rub a toad or a mouse on my hands to get any of my hoggies to bite me. Like Katt said, if they do get you they have to sit and chew awhile to get the rear fangs into play. I don't know if there is any conclusive evidince about the existince of their "venom". Personally i think your Ball Pythons would do more damage from a bite than a hog. Almost all lose their threat displays in captivity. Just handle the snake like all others, calmly, gently, and deliberately. You'll be fine. Most hogs are little babies.