View Full Version : Hogg??

09-18-03, 06:33 PM
Can anyone please tell me about Hogg Island Boas?? I am in the market for another Boa and was considering a Hogg. How big do they get and what special care do they require.

09-18-03, 07:20 PM
First it's Hog with one "g". They are a BCI from Hog Island off the coast of Honduras.
Check out this link to an ok article on them.

09-19-03, 10:13 PM
Hogs don't have any "special" requirements so to speak, they have the same care as a Colombian BCI... I find they do well with 55% humidity and an 80-90 temperature gradient. They have food on the brain all the time, but are usually pretty laid back in terms of temperament as long as they realize you aren't food :flick: They average around 4-5.5 feet, but some females may exceed this (I have a 6.5 footer).

09-19-03, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the info Linds

09-20-03, 07:41 AM
Linds is right,(as usual..lol)...Hoggs are easy snakes to maintain. They tend to have good temperment and are hungry little devils....good starter for a Boa...bit pricey but you get what you pay for in "looks"....very beautiful

09-20-03, 05:01 PM
I just bought a Hogg born Aug 7th that I had a little problem getting him to eat at first, but now he's doing great. He's eating frozen/thawed fuzzy mice.


09-20-03, 06:45 PM
I have a few hogs and hope to breed them this year. I love em. They are a smaller form of BCI and are a naturally occurring hypo that is extinct in the wild. There are even different color phases(pink, orange, blue) and even a patternless variety that hasn't been proven yet. Here are a couple pics of my female hogs...

