View Full Version : monitor and water

09-18-03, 05:41 PM
is it ok for me to just put a water dish for my water monitor to drink and not swim since my cage is to small for now.I would give him a bath ever night though. thanks for all your advise.

09-18-03, 06:33 PM
Giving your monitor a bath EVERY night? How's that going to be for the stress level?

09-18-03, 07:46 PM
Put as large of one as you can fit in there for now...And then AS SOON as you can, upgrade the size of the cage and make everything larger for it. I am just curious, what speciesof monitor are we discussing here? Savannah?

09-18-03, 07:48 PM
GO with what Jeff F. and B-Rep say - reduce stress, leave the animal alone as much as possible for awhile....stress kills....
good luck,

09-18-03, 08:17 PM
b-rep I have a water monitor

09-18-03, 08:24 PM
water monitor is probably one of the worst species to over handle as a juvinile. they don't really become as tame as everyone says until they become more confident in their own size. good luck, and listen to what everyone has said!

09-18-03, 08:40 PM
he is not that much of a baby, he mesures almost 3 feet. And he is very tame. when I open up my cage and put my hand in he comes to me and crawls on my hand and comes up my arm to rest on my shuolder. And he loves his bath time very much, so I don't think that stress is much of a factor.

09-20-03, 04:51 AM
I wont rant on you twise so just make sure to read the other thread you made about your water monitor cage.

09-20-03, 02:07 PM
what gives you the right to rant on me you don't even know me bud!!!!!!!

Steeve B
09-20-03, 03:04 PM
Matrix a good way to know if your stressing your monitor, if you feed him after any manipulation and he eats, then I guess hes not that stressed. a bath every few days is good for him, also I said this often better have a clean drinking bowl then have a dirty pool.

09-20-03, 04:22 PM
thanks steeve b all I was wondering is , is it bad for the health of my water monitor not to have a pool to swim in. thanks