View Full Version : First time dealing with an escapee

09-18-03, 12:55 PM
I am sure it was only a matter of time before it happened to me but it is still frustrating. One of my girls (3-4 months old) got out last night and now I have to find her. I am going to lay out a heating pad with an appropriate hide on it and a food item. I am pretty sure she is hungry as I was holding off feeding her for a couple of days in order to try and switch her to rats from mice. The question I have is do BPs hunt by scent, sight, sound, or a combination of these? I was going to put out a F/T adult and thought maybe if I used either caged adult (small cage made of hardware cloth) or a pinkie this might make things more enticing for her what with the sound and vibration of the prey. Also if scent is the big thing I could put the dead mouse on the heating pad (good thing it is in the shop and not the house).

Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated, as there are literally hundreds of places for her to hide in the shop. I don’t believe she got out side, as there is only the one door in use. I was also thinking of dropping the ambient temperature in the shop to the mid 60’s but wasn’t sure if this would make her more lethargic or the heating pad more appealing?

Again any help would be appreciated, Thanks

beth wallbank
09-18-03, 01:36 PM
What kind of snake Bruce? When I have had escapees, given time, they usually show up in the oddest of places. You may want to dust your area especially baseboards with flour or baking soda and watch for tracks. You could also set up a hide in a corner with heat. Some people also use double sided tape, but that is just a disaster waiting to happen if you ask me. Good luck on your hunt.

09-18-03, 01:50 PM
She is a Ball Python

09-18-03, 01:52 PM
This is the BP forum...
What part of the house is she in? Can you conceal her into one section to help cut down on the amount of area you'll need to search. I would leave the temps alone.
Good luck,

09-18-03, 02:18 PM
Don't put dead mouse on heat pad. Dramatically reduces composition time, not to mention the god awful stench.

09-18-03, 02:49 PM
Finding an Escaped Snake:

So your snake went for a change of scenery, eh?

There are a number of reasons a snake can escape: a weak enclosure, a hole, a lose lid, forgetting to close the lid to name but a few. It's best to try and avoid escapes in the first place by making sure you have a sturdy cage, a tight-fitting and locking lid, and making sure to always close the lid or door.
Though it's always a scary experience, escapes happen to the best of us, and it's usually no big deal unless the snake is dangerous (for example a 15 foot burm, or a venomous snake).

First Step - The Search:
Now, hopefully you've noticed not longer after the escape that the snake (or lizard) is no longer in its cage. The first thing to do is close the door to the room the cage is in and remove all kids and house pets. The snake probably hasn't left the room, and headed directly for warm and dark areas, which is where you want to start looking.
Look in dark and warm areas surrounding the tank and work your way outward in concentric circles. Get a mirror and flashlight so you can see into the smallest, darkest areas. Look under every crack and in every crevasse, you'd be surprised where a snake might go (in the garbage, on top of or under bookcases or desks, under the radiator, curtain rod, behind the enclosure, in a bed or a purse or bag etc). Don't forget to look UP, too! Check cushions for holes in the seams.

Second Step - The Traps:
Didn't find him? No big deal, there are a million places a snake can hide. You're probably fed up with search by now, and are out of places to look. The snake probably won't come out with all that comotion anyway. Inside the room, place a head pad on the floor with a hidebox or paper bag on top of it, and a mouse/rat in front of the hidebox door / paper bag(preferably NOT on the heatpad. hot mice rot fast). Paper bags are helpful because if you're close enough, you can hear the rustling and grab the snake right away. Leave it there for a few days (but check a few times a night), he'll get hungry and one of his expeditions he'll come across the mouse/rat, eat it, and decide that the warm hide is the perfect place to chill and digest.
Another idea similar to this is to take a relatively big cardboard box, poke some holes in it and cut a large (big enough for the snake) hole near the top. Place the food item in the box, and place the box near a heat pad. The snake, when hungry, will enter the box, eat the food and might be unable / unwilling to leave the box.

Leave the snake's cage open, he may very well return there. You can also enter the room quietly in the middle of the night (or during the day if the reptile is diurnal) with a flash light; the snake might be out and about.

If you aren't sure the snake is still in that room (even you think he might be - it never hurts to do this!), sprinkle flour or corn startch across doorways, hallways etc to see if he's moving around the house.

Third Step - The Wait:
If you've got nothing to do that night, you can try crinkling up plastic bags and laying them in the room (near the walls is you best bet) and sit near the dark, quiet room, and wait. Snakes often travel along the wall at night - even diurnal snakes - and you will hear the snake if it does. Have a flashlight and handy, and as soon as you hear a bag rustling turn on the flashlight and take a look.

You Found Him?:
If you see the snake, DON'T jump after it! It will just slither away before you can catch it. Aproach it slowly, and you should be able to pick it up. If you can't catch at, at least you know the area is in and can place a box with a mouse/rat inside about where you saw the snake, leave, and come backin an hour or two to check.

Some Nagging...
Even though escapes are completely undesireable, you need to learn for the experience. How did the snake escape? Loose fitting lid? Hole in the cage? Forgot to close the cage? Remember that bricks or heavy books aren't suitable to hold down lids because all a snake needs is a little give, and they can force their way out. Tight bungee cords work well, but proper, locking lids work best. Once you know what the problem is, fix it! If your snake is escaping on a regular basis (ie more than once!) then there is something seriously wrong. Just because you found your snake every time it escaped, doesn't mean that the next time it escapes it won't find a hole in the wall, or an open window, or a cat or a bird.

09-18-03, 03:10 PM
Nice post Zoe!

09-18-03, 03:29 PM
Yes nice post Zoe, I printed it when I lost my snake, which returned yesterday. Everyone should have a copy of this post.

09-18-03, 06:12 PM
hehe zoe--that post helped me so much when huxley got out! (glad your snake came back, mark!!!)

Batdad--If you have some time, why not look in the places that the snake could be hiding? I'm sure there are tons and tons of drawers/boxes, but it couldn't hurt to take an hour and look inside of everything.

09-19-03, 02:25 PM
Thanks! I'm happy to see it has helped!

Mark - awesome, I'm thrilled to hear you found your snake!!


09-23-03, 06:00 AM
Osiris still hasnt turned up. im so worried. i spent all last night crying and looking.:( i was going to breed him this year.

for a bit of back history, Osiris ( named for a sqiggly on his right that looks just like the eye of Osiris)was recused with mites all over his month old body. i got him for $20. he was skinny and dehydrated and pathetic.i took him home and let him settle in for a few hours.he took his first meal from me that night. i said" if you can eat i can make you better". removal of the mites, treatment of an RI and easily switching him to rats he has quickly become my pride and joy.he turned 1 year old last month and he is producing plugs. * sniffle* mommas lil man!