View Full Version : monitor cage finishing touches

Scales Zoo
09-18-03, 07:43 AM
The cage for the sulaweti is nearly done! We wanted to be finished by now, but we figured if we did it right, we would never have to do it over.

I will be busy today getting the flooring and walls finished, and Ryan and Curtis will be putting on the ceiling later tonight.

I will remember to take the camera this time, as I forgot last night.

This is probably the biggest cage project we have done, but we have built a few, and this time we wont have to work the bugs out of it - we had several python cages that needed to be redone once we had them together. Things that look good on paper sometimes dont amount to much but scrap lumber!

We will keep you updated on our progress

Sheila and Ryan

Steeve B
09-30-03, 01:34 PM
Hello Ryan and Sheila I sent you the way bill no; your monitors are leaving tomorow morning, aim as exieted as you are! Hope you fall in love with them as I did, they are sweet crocs but still watch your fingers.

Retic chic
10-01-03, 09:58 AM
Hi Steeve. We are very excited to receive the monitors! We will post pics of the cage later today, I have to charge up the camera.

Thanks again, your generosity will be greatly rewarded!

Sheila and Ryan