View Full Version : highschool clicks

09-17-03, 06:23 PM
how many of you guys sat at the "freak" table at lunch in school. i did, but all of my fellow freaks graduated, so i just hang with my nonmetallistening friends who are just as cool.:medteeths



09-17-03, 06:26 PM
lol well im still in highschool and well i dont sit at the freak table... oh and dont worry i dont make fun of them! i was one!!! oh and i listen to medal too! so its all cool

09-17-03, 07:17 PM
Just a tip....

Nothing and I mean nothing that happens in high school has any effect on the person you will be even one short year after graduating. Possibly grades, but nothing nothing nothing friendship wise, "clique" wise or clothing wise will matter or effect you after leaving high school. I remember being embarassed in high school, pressured, not hanging out with certain people, only hanging out with certain people, etc. As soon as you are in your 20's, you basically start making fun of people like that and nothing that mattered in high school matters anymore.


09-17-03, 07:28 PM
that what people tell me so and im a B+ student so hopefully i will get a good job in some field.... and i know nothing matters just ur a kid once and i want to make mine alittle intresting

09-17-03, 07:31 PM
I'm 25 and married now, but right after highschool, I found out that my group of female friends were known as "the freaky girls who were all lesbians and slept with everyone's boyfriends!" LOL
If I knew that then, man, I could have had a lot of fun with it!!

Marisa is right, when you leave highschool, you really do LEAVE highschool behind you. SO have fun and do what you want- no one is really going to remember anyway!

09-17-03, 07:37 PM
I was a proud member of the freak table... we had 'em all: the guy who shaved off his eyebrows then drew them back on as flames, the guy who came to lunch with visegrips on his nipples, the guys who shot things, and then there were the WEIRD people... even though things change when you leave highschool, the memories linger ;)

Colonel SB
09-17-03, 08:37 PM
My school didn't have the whole click thing gonnin on everyone was cool with everyone.

09-17-03, 08:46 PM
You know jncoclub some people don't leave high school behind.

Marisa-Your description of the kids back when you were in high schooling worrying about who to hang with or what to wear are the students I laugh at everyday. They are hilarious.

On topic...I was 1 of 2 "freaks" at my school last year...my school blows...the smallest things make you a "freak" there. Oh well:P

09-17-03, 09:07 PM
I wasnt a freak nor a prep... I just talked to whoever talked to me. I was shy so i didnt go up to people and start talkin to them if i didnt know who they were. But my school definitley had the cliques and i think the cheerleaders were their own. LoL I hated them all. :)

Wuntu Menny
09-17-03, 09:17 PM
Aah, highschool...


nuff said


09-17-03, 09:29 PM
Hey man I just hate everybody :P My school screwed me over, and to make up for extra credits I'm taking grade 9 art :P

I left all my lifelong friends at my old highschool, and now my current high school is just a place I have to trudge through everyday....and get hooted at in :O *stockpiles big baggy sweatshirts*

I have a few 'friends'.... but I kind of hate them....

Wow, high school really does suck...one more YEAR!

09-17-03, 09:48 PM
my jr high school has some freaks my sister was one there is this place called the corner where they all meat its been there for like 5 years i dont make fun of them i hate when people make fun of my close i swear if iwear baggy pants i get called a gangster???

But only like 3 kids say that and there iimuture kids.

Wuntu Menny
09-17-03, 10:24 PM
None of this will matter in a mere 36 months or less. Deal with it that long, and odds are you'll get the last laugh. It may seem like a long time, but its really a mere snapshot

Trust me,


09-17-03, 10:44 PM
Since highschool I haven't kept in contact with anyone. Tried for a while but people go their seperate ways. At my first high school I was a loner, the second high school the whole school were freaks (alternative school). Ran into some one from my first high school tonight (she was katey's nurse). She hasn't kept in contact with anyone either. Was really weird.

09-17-03, 11:10 PM
i was, and still am the "freak" witch is pretty bad considering i dont dress anywhere near as "freakish" as i did, lol

09-18-03, 07:57 AM
I am in high school at the moment and most people aside from the odd arse likes me so I like all of the cliques, but I don't talk to anyone in the chess club much because all they do is play chess, and I HATE chess!!! lol

09-18-03, 08:12 AM
All I can say is nearly none of the people you know in high school will mean anything to you a year or less after you are done. For that reason you shouldn't get too attached to anyone or place a lot of value on their opinions. (Translated that means to go ahead and nail your girlfriend's best friend or sister, you're gonna break up eventually anyway and it might as well be for a good reason not cause she wants "space" or some BS. LOL!!) Wait till you see what the popular kids are doing 2 years later, usually pumping gas or still stocking shelves at the grocery store while the "freaks" have learned to use their talents.

09-18-03, 08:23 AM
Marisa was so right. I'm actually in first year college now and everyone mixes with each other. I mean, right now the person I hang out with the most is an accessory infatuated, pink loving, girly girl....in highschool I would not have been caught dead doing that. You start to realize that people are just people. This thought is very liberating, you start to not be scared to talk to different kinds of people, and it's just great!


09-18-03, 09:58 AM
High School Sucks. I've been out for 6 years and really don't think about anyone that was there. If i see some of the people i went to school with i try not to make my presence know plus it helps i'm always changing my looks or at least trying and i moved out of my small town to the city. I really didn't care for anyone i went to school with. Where i went it was 99% preps completly sucked!!! Deal with it now and don't worry about what anyone thinks cause as soon as your out you won't care anymore. I'd rather go back to elementry than highschool anyday!!!

09-18-03, 10:15 AM
Well after I droped out (yes due to alot of the "preps' and "jocks" and "cheerleader" (snoty better than you people) I found out that more than 9/10 of the school was absolutely terrified of me, and do you want to know why they were afraid..........

well I'm a big girl, and everyone thought that if they pissed me off I would turn them into a frog because I'm a witch, and everyone just knows *knew* that, that is what witchs do best!!!!!!! No wonder when I was a sophmore even the seniors moved out of my way!!!!! lol, and not exactly the " freak table" but there were a collection of the rejected people........the people that didn't classify as a jock (sports), The cheerleaders, the smart people, the "pretty" people, druggies, and then there were us, not really a name for our table.....But it doesn't matter when you are out of school.

09-18-03, 12:24 PM
Well, here is what I looked like in high school. I was proud to be among the freaks, but I was also an all-state football player and this photo is the ceremony when I was sworn in as class president. Who would have known at this time, I would grow up to be a professional wrestler. Ha ha.

09-18-03, 01:05 PM
Love the acid wash! lol! There simply aren't any pictures of me in highschool (except the ones some undercover cops may have taken). For that reason I don't have one to share. I'm sure I looked like a real dumbass though. haha I love highschool pics.

09-18-03, 01:09 PM
i sit at a table by myself but thats just cuz i have to cuz people always like to F*** with me and get there @ss kiked so i am always at a table bye myself now lol

09-18-03, 03:57 PM
I've been out of highschool since 1996. :p I never really was in any clique so to speak. I went to a rich preppy catholic school and I was one of three skaters in the entire school. So, I just hung out mainly with the burnouts, metal heads, punks, skaters, etc. I suppose we were considered the freaks, but, everyone showed up to our bush and house parties. :D I'm still considered a freak by my friends, I've been dubbed "Elvira" "Aunt Spooky" you name it. *LMAO*

09-18-03, 04:48 PM
umm im not at the freak table but my table is the opposite my table has all of the bullies and popular kids....but im neither lol

09-18-03, 04:59 PM
WHAT! HIGHSCHOOL IS THE BEST! ahahah I love it, it is an awesome learning experience and is tons of fun. I love being a class clown yet having good grades at the same time. If you can pull that off, highschool is awesome.

09-18-03, 05:03 PM
I only kept contact with 3 people from high school. I stoped talking to all the others over the years. But those were the good old days. Didn't have to study to get good grades, and you could go out in bars at 15 years old all the time.

09-18-03, 08:04 PM
i agree with marissa

09-19-03, 02:50 PM
I still talk with about 4 people from HS; and I know that I will be friends with these people for life. There are the occasional others I’ll hang with when I go home for the holidays, but we aren’t nearly as close as we were in HS.

I made the comment that you leave everything behind when you leave HS. Someone called me out on it. So I’ll rephrase myself-

In HS it wasn’t until senior year that I realized that I shouldn’t care what others think (ie: the cool kids) and I was able to move on from HS and make the best of what was presented in front of me from there on. In front of me was college, and I took advantage of all that that had to offer. I learned to study and care more about my education, and I also learned to study half-@ssed, to get more out of my college experience. I made friends with those who I thought were cool, not who those who tried to impress me and prove to me that they were cool. After college I moved on to FL, to CT, and now in 3 weeks to HI. I’m leaving friends behind, some will be missed, some I’ve already forgotten about. I’ve learned that it’s up to me to make my own happiness, and to not expect others to make me happy. I guess something did stick from HS (it certainly wasn't trig!)

I may have gone on a little on here, but that’s my explanation for myself.

09-19-03, 04:20 PM
I graduated from high school in 97. I don't remember ever eating lunch so I don't know what table I sat at. Maybe I didn't eat in high school, who knows.


09-19-03, 04:42 PM
Actually I kind of like my high school. I hang out with people that are just like me. There are a few reptile people, actually, who I don't hang out with quite as much, but they're cool. The only real freaks I know of is this girl Tiffany and her boyfriend Josh (who like hits on me... he like licks me and today I took a piece off of this guy Cody's brownie and Josh freakin like put his whole mouth around my hand to eat it, he's awesome). They're really good friends of mine, and they're pretty well known. Another surprising fact is that I knew about 2 people in that entire high school that were actually in my grade out of like 450 freshmen. And yet I made at least 50 friends in the first week of school that I am still friends with in the 6th week of school (yeah yeah, not that long, I know). I hang out with mostly guys, too. I dunno about you, but my school rocks! and even though I'm probably not going to be friends with the friends I have now when I get into college I'm still gonna have a fun 4 years being in high school :D.

09-19-03, 04:51 PM
Hahaha I used to be the boy in the corner, or part of the freaks if that's what you want to call them, there were about 4-5 of us. Wunto is right, you do get the last laugh. Now in my final senior year of grade 12, I'm the president of the student council and everyone loves me.

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.


09-19-03, 04:57 PM
Oh yeah and the guys running against me for president were always the 'popular' guys. HA!


09-19-03, 07:05 PM
Well.. I hang out with everyone. The asians.. the skaters.. the jocks. Mostly because I'm cool with asians.. I'm a skater.. and talented in all sports. Although I usually find myself with the chicks hah =(.. okay thats a lie.. but I'm pretty cool =D

09-19-03, 08:00 PM
dang, i didbt think this thread would last so long, and get so many different answers........cool

09-21-03, 10:18 PM
i was a misfit in school to the general population but imo they were the real misfits.....there was the 'smoking corner' where all the punks, bangers, skaters, goths etc.(aka misfits)hung out and then the trendy crowd....which i really felt sorry for....i can't imagine spending so much time worrying about what everyone else thinks about me and trying to fit in by dressing like the 'in' crowd.....not that they were all like that but many were....
I do have fond memories of that time though and disagree with thinking its a write-off, and that it doesn't matter what happened once you're out......I had close friends then that grew apart and I'm still glad we were friends then...some I still touch base with once in awhile....some regrets...but I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger....life is a journey and everything you do is a part of who you are....I can't wait to get to the next chapter....:)

09-21-03, 10:33 PM
I have been out of high school since 97. I still talk to pepole I went to school with, some I have jsut recently started running in to that I haven't seen since high school. My best friend I have known since I was in kindergarten and we've always gone to the same schools. I didn't sit in the cafeteria for lunch (if I was even at the school for lunch... hehehe if you looked up "truency" in the dictionary my face would be beside it :rolleyes: ), and my school, like all did have cliques, but for the most part they got a long together... with the occassional run-togethers from the "rednecks" and the rest of the school. If people didn't like eachother it was more of an individual vs. individual thing (again most of the "rednecks" were an exception to this). I guess if you wanted a label I was a "burnout/freak" in high school :p

LOL... seriously now that I look back on all those years... it was a blast and I wish I could go back!

11-01-03, 12:36 AM
I love high school, the 'freaks' as you call 'em get picked on at our school.

11-01-03, 02:11 AM
Lunch? who had time for lunch? As soon as class was over for lunch break my friends and i were in the smoking section intaking as much nicotine we could untill next class ;)

11-01-03, 02:25 AM
school is for learning, not to make friends, imo. even if i was a ''loner'' i would rather have no friends and be successufl when im older then have no friends and be a loser after highschool. i also listen to metal, what are your guys fav. bands? i listen to megadeth, metallica, ironmaiden, tool guns n roses, led zeppelin, jimi hendrix and a couple other bands

11-01-03, 11:09 AM
Everyone says I am weird but no one calls me a freak, I'm never really on my own. There are some cool people in our school but most uncool people don't really like them so they will never be popular, there are a LOT of skaters at my school who form a group with the people that like metally music, which makes up a lot of our school :D

11-01-03, 06:01 PM
we never really had any "groups" in our school..... i guess its because we had to wear uniforms! yay!
we were kind of split off into, the slutty girls, the normal girls and the wierd ones.
the guys were just guys! they all hung out together.. well i hung out with the guys.... and we were kinda branded the stoners/druggies, but i was a good girl!! honest...... :)
or the "greebos" which is their lame term for us goths/punks/alternative people......

11-01-03, 06:49 PM
Just had a girl that was two years behind me start working at my store...heh. I haven't seen her in almost 7 years and BAM this little bit of High Schools pops into my life. No biggie. High School was a blast but I am not friends with anyone from High School anymore. We run into each other and say hi we should get together yadayadayada but it never happens and I am quite ok with that.


11-01-03, 07:17 PM
high school clicks mean nothing once you grow up and start your own life.
When i was in high school, I had ONE friend and that was the only person I talked to. I wasn't an outcast or anything..I just didn't like kids that were my age. They were worried about boyfriends and girlfriends and listening to the right music & dressing the right way (whether that be the goth way, punk way, or preppy way..they're all the same if you think about it!). I'm still the same way. I'll never be a social person. I still don't get along with people that are my age.