View Full Version : finding an iguana rescue?

09-17-03, 06:04 PM
Could anyone tell me where the ig rescues are and how to get in touch with them? A friend of mine wants to get an ig, and I'm trying to convince her to get one from a rescue instead of a pet store (not really that hard, she already said she didn't want to get one from the lps here in town anyway). Thanks.

09-17-03, 06:07 PM
there is a reptile rescue in ontario,
here is the webcite


09-17-03, 06:10 PM
Yup, definitely talk to Candy at reptile rescue. Your friend will need to fill out a questionnaire to see if she is suitable, so make sure she reads up in Igs first (if she hasn't already).

Good luck, she will be very happy with a rescue ig :)


09-17-03, 06:21 PM
Thanks! Oh yeah, she'll read up on igs alright. I'm setting her up with everything I have on them, so she'll have a good grasp of the basics by the time she has her cage finished ;)

Anyone know the guy who ran the iguana rescue table at the PC show? Was he there on behalf of reptile rescue or someone else?