View Full Version : Waxworms again

09-17-03, 02:55 PM
Hi, I'm trying to breed waxworms. I have about 5 or 6 moths and it doesn't seem like they're breeding or laying eggs or anything. Any advice I can get would be helpful.

09-17-03, 03:01 PM
I tried just like you did. I never saw them lay the eggs. They only live for like a week, they don't eat. I put some tinfoil paper for them to lay on, (it supposively prevents the eggs from drying...) I did get some eggs they layed on a piece of rope I put in there for them to sit on. But the eggs never hatched.
If you figure out something, let me know

09-17-03, 09:54 PM
will do. Thanks for the reply.

09-17-03, 10:15 PM
Don't they have to pupate into the moth before laying eggs?
I will get them sometimes for my tree frogs and if i keep them for awhile they turn into pupa and then the waxmoth comes out sometime later...

05-14-04, 01:19 PM
they have to turn into moths and then they will lay eggs in crunched wax paper. here is a link...http://home.earthlink.net/~kenuy/waxmoths.htm

05-14-04, 02:10 PM
I like that paper idea. Anyone else who experienced waxworms all over the place, raise your hand!
