View Full Version : picked up a cat litter pan(another question)

09-16-03, 10:22 PM
I picked up a pan that I'm hoping will work for 1.3 rats. I woried about it no sliding onto a rack well since the sides are made so that they have a slight curve(enough so that is may effect how much of the lip can be held. Does anyone else use pans that are not a perfect square. Also the floor area of it is 18.5"x12" width a 6/5" height. THe top demensions are 22x16 from edge to edge. It seems it would be crowded with (4) 200-400grams rats in it but I may be imagining it. any help would be great.

09-17-03, 10:44 AM
Yup. I was having the same problem. I couldn't find any pans that were straight, they all had slight curves. I went with it anyways and haven't had any problems because of it. They do not have ths space to run and jump like a pet rat might, but they are hard at work breeders and do fine. I don't like my feeders to get too much excercise... I want them to put all those extra colories in to growth and weight. It's my meat farm - I raise them in a manner best suited to feeders, not pets. By no means are they treated ill however, they have not showed any signs that this lifestyle is affecting them negatively... they seem just as happy as the pet rats, only they are socialized to eachother, not myself.

09-17-03, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the help. Hopefully i'm going to be starting a very small rack just to test it out for now.