View Full Version : pet names?
07-27-02, 07:08 PM
Hey everyone!. Just thought id open this little thread up about pet names? what are some of your pets names? Favourite pet name? etc...
my cal king's name is Monty (as in monty python :bsmile: dad likes them..too bad its not a python) Thats the only herp i have so no more names. what about u guys?
07-27-02, 07:23 PM
i have a male veiled name mojo, umm....i named one of my chams
07-27-02, 09:54 PM
My toads names are Kang and Kodos (from the Simpsons....those green alien things....), My snails are Mr Cracked Shell and Not Mr Cracked Shell, my fish are named Ace and Gary (the ambiguously gay duo from SNL), and my rabbit's name is Hedwig the transvestite (or Satan...he's an albino). I need more names though, my new hermit crab is as yet nameless!!
07-27-02, 10:12 PM
My dogs' names are Phoebe and Kira, my snakes' names are Chicomé and The Worm, my current pet rats are named Zim, Moopy, Peanut, Mrs. Bidders, Mr. Bitey, Nuts McCoy, and 2 as yet unamed individuals (I will take suggestions)...Some names of my, now deceased, pets: Sputnik and Rosebiki the rats, Rat the gerbil, Jessie the dog, and Poopy the goldfish, to name a few...
07-27-02, 10:18 PM
Have you forgotten about your Orandas Snarf and Bubbles?!? They're turning in their watery little graves
07-27-02, 10:22 PM
Yes, I had forgotten, but maybe if I hadn't bought their poor little diseased selves from a crappy pet store, they would have lived longer than 2 days and I would have remembered them.
07-27-02, 10:33 PM
Pet names eh
ok here we go
1- chesapeake bay retriever = Justice
2- Cats= Muppet and Manderine
2-Albino kings = Stripe and Guts
1- Volcano Motley Corn = Blaze
2- Banana Kings= No names yet i need suggestions . lol
100 = Chickens = if you can tell them apart you can name them .lmao
Thats about it ............................................for now .lol
07-27-02, 10:57 PM
Lets see Nebula, Cassiopia, Draco, Vasuke, Carravogue, Blotte, Cocoa, Spike, Smokey, Ice, Orion, Fierce, Pede, Thorn, and 12 with numbers still lol.
07-28-02, 01:20 AM
Alright, here are only a few
1.1 Dumpy whites= Kermit and Ms. Piggy, (Hey I couldn't help it alright.
2 cornsnakes I HAD = Horatio and Marcellus (Shakespearean...couldn't help it either...was a phase)
1.0 Variable Kingsnake= Seth...everyone needs a snake called Seth
0.0.1 Cali King= Cypher
Leopard geckos that I named (eventualy ran out of names)
Rio Degenero, Rogue, Griffin, Braeden(don't ask), Jinx(escapee extra ordinaire), then...I gave up. Babies haven't been named either...
Giant frog eyed geckos: Freya, Athena, Pan, Trap, thelast male remains un named...I've yet to watch him enough to figure out what suits him.
Cresteds: Artemis, Neo(mi), Moron(otherwise known as Ozymandias), Harley, Tanner, (Last two named on colourations as babies....temporary names, as is neomi, thought she was going to be a boy, I was watching the matrix, called her Neo...and well, hey...things change)
Red eyed tree frogs..give me a break, I've quite a few,there is no way I'm going to name them or my P. Vittatus
Tinctorus, Viona and Smudge
Green cheek conure : Tobias.
Cat, Domi
Budgie: Buddy/Castor(aka beaver...he eats his perches...)
Fish....I won't list their names..thats embarassing...
Horses/Ponies(backwhen I had them) Macciato, Isty/Practicaly Perfect, Roman/Centurians Delight, Johnny Cash, Vito, blah blah blah
Mice, Tigger, Emily, Ms.Jingles*was SUPPOSEd to be Mister Jingles from the green mile, but noooo*...J@ck@.....where we know where thats going...and then the moo cow babies.
I've quite a few more pets, but ya know what? It's midnight, and I have to be at work in 7 hours. So tough luck getting them out of me -lol-
I named my skunk Ophelia, my new boa has no name yet other than lumpy tummy. For the most part, I look in the old testament for names (that's about the only time I look at a bible anymore). Some old ones: Zhavaan, Serrai, Kaine, Hercules, Morphius, Trinity, Mulan. I don't like using names that everyone else
Veiled Chameleons- Maggie and Zeus
Leopard Gecko- Peanut (she has a peanut-shape on her back)
Horned Lizard- Hudson
Bearded Dragons- Filch, Freud, Frasier, Fritz, Baby Dragon, Tish, Ivory and Toru
Rabbit- Murphy
Cat- Elly
Bassets- Watson and Whitney
Jackson's Chameleons- Jack and Jill (original I know!)
Redfooted Tortoises - Chloe, Moses, Ramses and Aphrodite
07-28-02, 06:09 PM
Fish: Roger, Horace, and (dead one) Harry
Snails: Felix, Felix the Live (after the 1st one died), Guadalupe, and Frank
Tarantula: Guido
Tokay Geckos: Harry and Lloyd (from Dumb and Dumber)
Mice: Eugene and Gus
Tortoise: Flash
Snakes: Pliskin, Bosco, Mars, and Clyde
Some of these are mine and some are my roommates'. Oh, and the favorite normal-pet (i.e. dog or cat) name I've had was Calvin (a cat).
hmm let's see.. there's
cats: Howard and Ashes
snakes: Osiris, Amit, and Khem [and 11 unnamed eggs]
leos: Teresa and Kurt [my son them as we got them from Tarzet], and there's 5 unnamed right now.
rats: Odin, Loki, Freya, Mist, Sox, Psycho, Lucky, Sprinkles, and Blackie, then the unnamed snake food.
humans: Eric [hubby]
and close to 600 unnamed mealworms.
07-28-02, 06:39 PM
I'm farely confident that I'm not the only person who has named their reptile after STEVE IRWIN. I just happened to name my Bearded Dragon after him. I named my Tarantula Charlotte after Charlotte's Web!
07-28-02, 06:44 PM
lol. u all have some pretty origional names. i need to get some more pets, so i can name em!
HEres mine..
Balls: Sophia & Zeno
Coastal Carpet: Emilyn & Monty
Jungle Carpet: No NAME YET
Blood: Helios
Rock: Herpees
Burms: NoseRub & Archemedees
Snow Bull Snakes: Sethena & Lucifer (I had to call a snake that!)
Savanah Monitors: Chubs & Miss Burnsey
Spectacle Caimen: Mr. Dimples
And that is it for now!
i used to have a pair of boas named rocky and adrian balboa from the movie rocky i know preety lame all the rest of my snakes don't have names just numbers now to many to name
0.3 alb leos target, vipper,lucky
1.0 patternless leo rah
1.1norm leos houdini, shyone
3.5 beardies tyson,twitch,lenord aloe,guts,bertha,nippy,croc
0.0.1 pacman haggred
2.0 cats potter,garbage
0.2 dogs cinnomin,teddy
0.0.3 fish no names
07-28-02, 09:23 PM
pacman frog is budwiser cuz when you scratch behind its eyes it says buddddddddd lol and cat are jazz , k.c (kitty cat),wondar,and corn snake sapphire,and a wd strider i dont have the rest named yet lol
07-28-02, 09:30 PM
i didnt expect this thread to be so popular when i first posted it lol. thx for responding
Big Mike
07-29-02, 01:06 PM
I have a Cali King named Zeus and a fish named Moe (a betta who may not live through the day :( )
My girlfriend and I want to get a few more snakes this summer/fall and I want to name them something from Tolkien (LOTR or The Silmarillion) but she just shakes her head at that.
My other preference would be from the Simpsons but that doesn't look good for an agreement either. Maybe Snake?
07-29-02, 04:50 PM
My favourite names for my pets are my Bulldog Jacob and my cocker spaniel Hex (after Ron Hextall...pathetic eh...). My other dogs names are Eddie, Barney, China, Vicky, Cindy and Tetley. I also have 2 cats named Titus and Princess.
jason h
07-29-02, 05:45 PM
male burm- monty
female albino burm- Marrilyn (monroe blonde)
female normal burm- jewel
blood- ruby
female ball- baby
male ball- romeo
male jcp- damien
female jcp - licorice
great plains rat-tonto
male tiger retic - gomez
female tiger retic- morticia
boa- boa derek
caiman- elvis
tarantula- vlad
crow- russell
scorpion - spike
LOL okay,
Ball python female - Lilith
Ball python male - Dumuzi
Apricot Pueblan Milk Snake female - Ishtar
Apricot Pueblan Milk Snake male - Nirah
Snow Corn Snake - Wishbone
Double Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot female - Francine
Black Arrowana male - Hannibal
Corey Cat fish - Skeeter
Plecostomus - Spike
Akita/Samoyed female - Fionna
Two neighbors cats who think they're ours
Hot Rod a male black and white
Callie a female calico who just had three kittens
Anybody want any Akita/Rotweiller puppies??? (G) we have four, one female and three males, all free to good homes.
I think that's it, more to come to be sure, we've become slightly addicted to snakes
07-29-02, 06:45 PM
2.0 beardies: Spike and Prince
0.1 helmetted gecko: Pajamas (P.J.)
dog: Jody
some names I want to give my new snakes Im getting this fall: missy, Mr.PiMp, elnino, elnina, porky, Phat Guy, Cobras (snake in portuguese), I betterstop now! I could go on for hours! lol
07-29-02, 07:09 PM
my ferret is named pablo... after pablo escobar (spelt it wrong prolly but whatever)
my rhombus is named apolly on (check revalations he brings on armagedon :)
my 3 spilos are named : bigzz, nappy and the other one
orange baned tremper albinos: Tristan and cornielious
paternless leos: forest (affter forest gump he was the underdog outa a pair of males, once i figured they wher males i seperated them.. both are fine now), and 3 un-named ones (just got them two weeks ago... still thinkin of names 1 of them is going to a friend though)
TOns of crickets and mealworms... i haev named them... entree (heheh)
07-29-02, 09:36 PM
Ball Python: Set-qesu, meaning crusher of bones in egyptian,
we just call him Set.
Red Eared Sliders: Booger and Godzilla ( I was 7 , ok!).
Ghost Corn: Dracula-Frankenstein........ yes, we use his whole name, my 5 year old named him!
Meyers Parrot: Diablo the Chicken Demon, Lord of the Pigeon Hordes....but we just call him Diablo
Dog: Smelly (boyfriends dog, my stepdog)
Cat: Fluffer Nutter
Ribbon Snake: Squishy
BCI is still nameless after two days...still working on it
:skull: Jenn :skull:
Mr Poopypants (Guyanan BCC)
Satabria (Guyanan BCC)
Sweetness (Mexican Rosy Boa)
Nauthiz (BRB)
Tagz (BRB)
Slowpoke (Jamaican Boa)
Peanut (Hog Isle)
Marvin (Ball Python)
Poe (Ball Python)
Tali (Ball Python)
Iggy (Iguana)
Bugs (ETB)
Chasey (Colombian BCI)
Darky (Borneo STP)
Tasha (Borneo STP)
Pockets (Leo)
Spider (Leo)
Ollie (leo)
Slimer & Gozer (Snails)
Pedis (Millipede- Fire)
Little *******/Putin (Cat)
Charlie & Elliott (longhaired JRT's - came with their names)
Polly (English setter)
Liberty "Pooci" & Zoe (horses)
Niblet (Pony)
Winky (Rat)
Toid & Spux (My foundation Spiny mice breeders)
Those are just the ones that I have named, have trouble with that, still have too many more names to come up with :confused:
I don't have quite the volume that Linds has attained, but here's my troupe
Quervo (hey, I know that guy) ball python
Pinball, Smee, Mohawk and bleep - zebra finches
3 un-named stick bugs (my daughters)
1 un-named mantis
Astro .. neat python name .. I like that. But the ribbon .. Squishy?? there has to be a story behind that one.
07-30-02, 01:58 AM
Albino Red Cornsnake - Slinka
Snow Cornsnake - Blanka
Texas Ratsnake - Bandit
Albino Spotted California Kingsnake - no name yet
2 Spotted California Kingsnakes - no names yet
Redear Slider - Gam-mahra
Japanese Firebelly Newt - no name
Cat 1 - Buttershotts
Cat 2 - Shade
Cat 3 - Bajera
Fish - no names
here we go:
My pets:
Cali. Banded Kingsnake - Magnus
Spotted Python - Reggie (From Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Red Eared Slider - Spike (one reptile HAS to be named Spike!)
Leopard Gecko - Skuzz
Basset Hound - Leia
Family pets:
Guinea Pig - Mandy (she's my moms)
Cockatiel - Marahootai (she's my brothers)
Rabbit - Chewie (horny lil bugger that we all dont care for lol )
Sabula (female ball python)
Mantra (female ball python)
Oryx (male ball python)
Sparkle (glossy snake)
Nasty ******* (everglade ratsnake)
Spike (10 y.o. male Boxer. Was already named when I got him.)
Schizo (male ferret)
Phrenic (female ferret. thinks she is a tazmanian devil)
Chubbs (male ferret)
Valentine (female ferret. Was my girlfriends Valentines Day gift)
Diablo (male green iguana)
I can never remember the Bearded Dragons name, but my vote was for Gnubley. Once had a female hamster named Schmoopy, and a horny little male hamster named Dirk Diggler.
I've gone with a Caribbean theme for naming my chams...
Bacchanal (Veiled)
Calypso (Panther)
Jouvay (Dwarf Jackson's)
Irie (Veiled)
2 of my igs came to me with names already...Daisy and Harley and last ig is Hephaestus
08-30-02, 07:46 PM
I have a pet leucistic texas rat snake called osiris.
08-30-02, 08:46 PM
Pandora - ball
the others I have not named yet...
1.0 Blood
1.1 albino burms
0.1 burm
0.0.3 baby corns
1.1 tang-hondurian milks
1.1 spotted pythons
0.1 ball
and girlfriend has 1.1 veilds named button and safron
loki- siberian husky
20 gallon various fish
lol we had to move to a 2 bedroom to make room for everyone:rolleyes:
but still am making plans for more....
I've got 2 bearded dragons named Stubby and Sheila Lester and a Scorpion named Clyde. Sheila was named for Steve Irwin.
This could take hours, so let's begin!
1.1 blood reds Daytona and Rasberry
1.1 normals Seth and Strawberry
1.0 snow Starch
1.1 aner Cujo and Peppercorn
0.1 normal Sweetcorn
0.1 yellow rat Snapdragon
1.0 greenish rat Elvis
1.0 glades x black Spruce
1.0 grey x corn (frosted corn) Flake
0.1 mex black Purity
0.2 abberant, hight yellow cals, Deega and Sunshine
1.0 mid baja Miles
1.1 chocolate Hershey and Ginger (she's on the loose though)
1.0 intergrade George
0.1 coastal Claire
1.0 sand boa Stickle (has 8 kinks in his back)
0.1 eastern garter Lass
1.0 BCI Slippers
0.1 albino green burm Kaali
0.1 beardie Octavia
0.1 iggie Duquesa
1.0 het bliz leos Kansas
0.2 het bliz Piglet and Foxy
0.1 tremper albino Abby
0.1 snow white cockatiel Crystal
1.0 albino budgie Marshmallow
0.1 grey tiel Shanti
1.0 white/blue budgie Hudson
2.0 ringneck doves Primero and Segundo
0.1 Rattus rattus Titania
I think that covers everyone that has a name. Damn, I can't remember people's name, but I got to keep all those straight and Vanan's too! YIKES!
Plus a whack load of snakes and lizards unnamed that need naming. I plan to have all my herps named.
2.1 cats - Mr.Moo Moo, Moo2, and whiskers
1 dog april
0.0.1CWD- spike(my girl named it)
0.1BP - unnamed
08-31-02, 10:05 AM
My cats names are:
Socks(was already named)
Joee( was already named)
Maxwell(Maxwell smart cus he's so smug)
Princess Aurora(Aurora thinks shes better then the Queen)
Mr.Bogjangles(Bo is a big goof and only has one eye)
Zek(already named when we got him)
Iris(we named Iris after the Goddess of the rainbow?? I think)
mama kitty(cuz she had babies when we resuced her)
My dogs names are
Fork(don't ask me)
Satan(my dad named Satan)
My snakes names are
Ball Python-Lestat (BP)
-Meave (means intoxacting)
Red tail-Nathara (means snake in African)
forgot my horse Pipper!! oops
I have:
1 Male ball python named Leo
1 male/female ball python named TeAmo * which means I love you in spanish*
and 1 female * i hope * Columbian Red tailed boa named Cha Cha
OMG! I forgot my cats, On is a red birman named Boo
and the other is fat dumb cat named Shania
also i have a mouse named Tedo and another mouse named Mittens. BYE!
Hum... Animals that I have named.
Male - Squeek was his given name and his proper name is Kaneda and he only weighs 25 pounds
Female - Pandora, The oldest of the pack and the only one I named
Female - Kaylee I let one of my girlfriends name her.
Male - Louis
Male - Lestat, both of these ferrets have now passed on.
Dog, Nala. The Shar-Pei breeder had already named this dog when we bought it.
Snow Corn - Pinky (probably going to have mental problems since he is named after his current diet.)
Brazilian Rainbow Boa - Yet UnNamed And My snow corn is just a temp name until I can think of something more fitting. those are just what I use in my Dbase for keeping track of them
No other pets in the house yet but more snakes are on the way.
09-01-02, 10:27 AM
Ok, here's the list :)
And formerly, just went to new homes, Pandora & Callista (both turned out to be males, not females... doh :( )
Fish etc.
Bam Bam
The Quints
Formerly my seahorses, RIP: Morgan, Mystie, Cira, Gwen, Chaosti, Casey & Leia
I think that covered everyone :)
Took me 3 months to come up with a name for my BRB, I was looking for a name that sounded cool, was female in gender (female snake) and just plain isn't used much. And when I finally decided on the name, I came to find out one of my freinds has a relative with this name. LOL oh well its still unique.
Anyways her name is Lucrecia
Okay, now that we've added three more snakes, I'll add their names to our growing family list(G)
The new members are.....
Anu/An - male Sumatran Red Blood Python (named for the Summerian King of Heaven, not the Irish Anu Queen of Heaven)
Inana - female Sumatran Red Blood Python
Tiamat - Female Columbian Red Tail
Those are the newbies, my other list is a couple pages back (G)
09-02-02, 02:23 PM
My list is not so big....Yet
Corns-Pop and Eh
Kings-Still thinking?
Balls-Still thinking?
09-02-02, 02:27 PM
i have a corn snake *normal* who is Called Sidney
Bless him!
Them and Us
09-02-02, 03:31 PM
my two snakes are Fox and Elendil ( tentative)
fish are Jude and Chief Wiggum
Cat is Sassy but shoud be named The Jerk
Let's see...
Dogs (siberian huskies):
Shadow (he's pure white with blue eyes)
Kuma (bear in japanese)
Kally (Kalidescope)
Dizzy (Desdemona)
1.0 Crested gecko - Dragonbait
1.2 Long tailed grass lizards - Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod
0.1 black pine snake - Salem
1.0 anery cornsnake - Query
0.1 amel cornsnake - Cliché
0.1 snow cornsnake - new as of aug 31 and unnamed as of yet
0.1 butter cornsnake - also from aug 31. Came with the name Star, will probably call her something on that theme... maybe Asterisk
0.2 house geckos - both unnamed (a mother and baby. Mom escaped while I was away a month or so ago and is currently free-ranging in my basement and eating the free range cricket population)
09-03-02, 05:32 PM
Banana Kings : Franklin and Lizzy
Cal Kings : Dusty and Jewels
South Florida Kings: Merv and Blanche
Tangerine Milks : Django and Djanga
Corns : Duke and Scarlet
09-06-02, 03:43 AM
Here it goes(in no particular order)
Burms: Lucy,Mr.Crowley,Gemini,Weiland,Mayzie,Vulcan,Puffy ,Cleo,Chevelle,Baby#1,Baby#2,Baby#3,Libbie??? and a few others
Orion, Sky and Col. Mustard
Hypo,Fatty,Isis,Snowflake(story...)Chocco,Spot,Nau ghty Bitey,Female Het Albino#2(i know...real original) W.C. female#2 and#3, Smalls, Professor,Jungle and about 10 more with numbers,ricky,McGrath,Seth,Yukon,Tahoe....and more???
Ennis and Diablo
Tiger Rat:
Great Basin Rattler:
Damien(straight from the wraths of hell) and Ms.
Zara and 2?,3?,4?
and about 20 other snakes I cant think of right now!!
Dogs: Koda(NOT DAkota)Malamute. and Delilah-Rottweiler
Cats: Dinky,Bob,Marvin,stubbs,meow meow fuzzy lips
Horses: Challenger and Scout
Black Widow: Potsy(shes all fat and cute)
Ummm....I think thats it even though I still couldnt think of them all.
O'yeah...Im taking in to adult yellow anacondas on rescue and need names for them...hint hint...
09-06-02, 04:01 PM
This is a great post idea - many very original names. Our reptilian critter names are:
Common Boas - Oscar, Lilith, Zelda and Phoebe
Carpet Pythons - Boomer, Taz, Zoe, Darwin, Sydney and Foster
Honduran Milks - Rumba, Tango and Carmen
Corns - Nibblet, Scudder, Simon, Nicholas, Cheddar, Colby, Ivy, Oliver
Mexican milk - Sizzle, Flicker
Variable king - Peso, Tea
Mexican black king - Noodle
Florida king - Rafferty
Cal king - Decker, Trinket, Ripple
Yellow ratsnake - Eli
Bullsnake - Xena
PacMan frogs - Frogbert, Frogernie and Rambo
I won't bother with mammal names - too many to list!
Mary v.
07-08-03, 02:18 AM
my snow cornsnake's name is Snow Ball... lol. :-) i named her that b/c well, i wanted a weird name for a snake, yet one that suited her. sound reasonable to you? lol
07-08-03, 02:39 AM
Also, my columbian red-tail boa's name is Mitch... off of Road Trip.
i have a toad named gerald
07-08-03, 03:01 AM
here we go.......
MAle Albino Burm.....Birdy
Female Normal Burm.....Carly
Female Green Burm.......joesie
Green Water dragons.....Casey + lue
male whites tree frog.....Howard
female whites tree frog....lillyen
Nigerian Uro male......Willson
Mali Uro male......Jermie
Coastal Carpet male......Doobie
Jungle Carpet male......Nasty
Carpet x Scrub male......Scrubs
bearded dragon male.......AL
rough green snake female......Greenie
Savannah Monitor......Baby monitor
Ball python male......Baby ball
Pittbull x rottie female....babie
Tom Cat.......scoutt
female cat.....Kia
rose hair tarantula........roseie
that's it i think
07-08-03, 07:36 AM
My list is pretty short compared to some of yours:
Leopard gecko - Ying (I also had one named Yang but sold her)
Blood python - Montana (used to be named Helios just like Dom's blood, pretty weird)
Borneo short-tailed python - Rio
African giant plated lizard - Sumo
Mutt - Shallie
And some names I want to use for future reptiles are Homer, Monty and Kramer.
Royal Python - Keerie
California King - Diego
07-08-03, 08:16 AM
ball python-----> bugsly
leo gecko------->onyx
1.0 boa--------->aiden
0.1 boa--------->Jade
reticulated----->dont know leaning twords striker
Giant Day Gecko pair - Evette and Even
Green Lacerta- Anson (got that name right after Anson Carter won the gold for Canada)
Crested Gecko pair- still haven't name them since they're not sexable yet, but I think the tan one would be named Sol (the beer, for the coloration)
07-08-03, 08:49 AM
Dogs - Dusty ( yellow lab )
- Zac ( german sheppard)
Fish - about 13 ( no names )
Leopard geckos - Penelope ( jungle )
- Padro ( high yellow )
- Diaz ( patternless het albino )
- Cortez ( albino )
Colonel SB
07-08-03, 10:35 AM
okay you asked for it...
Dog, Keesha
Ruthveni, Houdini
B.c.i, Homer
BP 1-7 lol how original
High Yellow Leopard, Angela
Hypo Leopard, Amanda
Blizzard Leopard, Angel
Blizzard Leopard, Flake
Albino Leopard, Whitey
Patternless Leopard, Mr. Hand
Normal Leopard, Murdoc
Super Hypo Tang, Tang
Tokay Male, Big Boy
Tokay Females, Hoe's 1 & 2 lol
Thats it for now.
07-08-03, 10:53 AM
ooooohhh, a Dark City fan, I love that flick.
Here are some of my animal's names: Damballah, Amaunet, Ankhtith, Apep, Draco, Hantu, Hydra, Neheb-Kau, Renenet, Vasuki, Wadjet. It's not hard to figure the commopn thread.
07-08-03, 11:16 AM
oh this is going to be a long list
All my herps are named after marvel comics
Leopard geckos
Psylock (lucky)
Beardied dragons
Raven (mystiqes real name)
Login (wolverine's Real name)
corn snakes
Silver sable
Rose hair tarantula
Night crawler
Eastern american toad
Toad LOL
07-08-03, 11:44 AM
My Spotted Python is Montey (after Monty original *gag*) I let dad name her
My Ribbon Snake is named Chaos because of her attitude and personality.
Dunno how I missed this thread first time around....
Dog: Lexx
Cats: Ook, Kat & Kittie
Snakes: ??????, feather, ????, natasha, boris, anastasia, tatiana, rasputin, ????????, zameya, tazza, margarita, tequila, silnya, sasha, sonya, silas, svetlana, baba yaga, ivan, nadia, nikita, dimitri and vlad.
Skinks: frick and frack
Rats: fubar, nibbles, bits, silver, timid, stripe, emily & emily, the savage beast, yugi, midnight, fawn, fuzzbutt, bebe, blaze, the rest of our rats are unnamed
Crested Gecko: Eep.
Our toad is unnamed.
07-08-03, 12:16 PM
My 3 corn snakes - Morpheus, Neo and Trinity, also known as "The Gentle Giant", "The Brat", and "The B*tch", respectively.
BCC - Anubis
Kenyan - Buttercup (I'm getting Westley this weekend) :)
07-08-03, 03:04 PM
2-cats:Whi-sin and Lilly
3-snakes:Diego, Gabe, Miguel
18-fish(only 2 have names, they're Koi):Sumo and Bob Skeletor
07-08-03, 03:05 PM
that smily wasn't supposed to be there it should be snakes: Diego...
07-08-03, 03:07 PM
Cottonmouth Joe.
07-13-03, 05:20 PM
Most of these are past critters I've kept:
water monitors----Hydro,Jezebel,Jasmine(current)
B&Y Tegu----Morocco
Savanna monitor----Kona
Cuban knight anole----Darwin
Cats---Meg(current) & Ryan(passed on)
Dogs---Luna & Sunny
Albino Burm- Blair
Normal Burm- Aragorn
Borneo- Freedom
Albino Cal King- Houdini
Black Rat- Jersey
Eastern Hognose- Yoda
Bearded Dragon- Freddy
Nile Monitor- Gollum
Cat- Nosey
Cat- Miracle
Cat- Boo
Fish- (Monster Red Devil) Hanibal
Archangel - Ferret
Azrael & Angelique - Cats
Armageddon & Amateur - Dogs
Hebrew - Ball Python
Genesis, Exodus, & Levitigus - Leopard Geckos
All of my mammals start with the letter "A". It seems they die if they don't start with "A". :( RIP Kolar - Wolf pup
My reptiles are books of the Bible.
07-13-03, 09:22 PM
My baby ball python's name is Huxley (Hux or Huxels for short) and I used to have a teddy bear longhair hamster named Judah and a goldfish named Hymie.
07-13-03, 09:33 PM
Dog: Nellie
Cat: Biggles
Corn: Bruce
B.C.I: Mitch
07-13-03, 09:50 PM
Dog : barney
miami corn : fred
Normal female corn : rosie
normal male corn : Lobone
anery corn : anery corn
hypo corn : hypo corn
Ball python : ball python 1
Ball python : ball python 2
Ball python " ball python 3
Ball python : ball python 4
Ball python : ball python 5
Bal rat snake: black snake 1
Black rat snake : black rat snake 2
Snow corn : casper
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 1
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 2
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 3
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 4
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 5
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 6
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 7
Eastern box trutle : eastern boxie 8
redisded garter : redside garter
Eastern garter : ugly
Very original dont ya think
07-14-03, 01:13 AM
Dog, german shepard lab,
Bear ( I didnt name him and he doesnt at all resemble one)
Cats, 3 are bangle mix's,
Alley, Tabby, Mouchie, and O'Mally which my daughter pronounces Toe-Mally so I may just go with her pronunciation.
Ferrets which have passed :(
Stinky and Nameless Something I couldnt think of a name so I went with Nameless but everyone said I should name it Something ;)
1.1 Sin and Saint
Rabbits 2 mini rexs dutch and mini lop mutt
Max, Stormy, Poley ( Daughter named it) and Lilly
Rats are all named Stuart male and female alike
Mice, Food
Gerbils, Gerbils
07-14-03, 02:55 AM
Shepherd/Husky Mix - "Kelly"
Timneh Grey Parrot - "Buddy"
Desert King - Tigre
Albino Desert King - Willy
Albino Striped Cal King - Ruby
Chocolate Phase - Striped Cal King - Hershey
Chocolate Phase - Banded Cal King - Mars
Thayers Variable King - Cleo
Hypo Brooksi King - Baggins
Pueblan Milk - Oreo
Tangerine Honduran Milk - Gandalf (our big boy)
Corn Snake - Froto
High Yellow Ball Python - Goldie
CH Ball Python - Carneigh
CH Ball Python - Lucy (was Lucky, as this is the one I nursed back to health)
High Gold Ball Python - Bonnie
Ball Python - Clyde, gonna have to change this though Clyde turned out to be a girl
Sonoran Gopher Snake - Freddy
Bairds Rat Snake - Pepper
Red Tail Boa - Noah
Kenyan Sand Boa - Little Piggy
Kenyan Sand Boa (if this one makes it) - Worm
Original Rats - Fred, Wilma and Betty (RIP-Betty, you are a good little mommy)
and the original offspring from the rats - "The Kids"
All other rats and mice...."food"
There's the whole Fam Damily ..:) Until the next acquisition..;)
Keep in mind all of my animals with the exception of the dog were named by my daughter Hudson when she was between the ages of 2-4. For the most part she didn't do to bad.
bearded dragon - Moe
veiled cham - Lick
red-eyed croc skinks - spike and cera (movie Land Before Time)
blue tongue skink - Blue
savannah monitor - Bubba
green iquana - Stubbs (was missing several toes and tail
when we rescued him)
spotted and figure eight puffers - Huff and Puff
pink tetras - Max and Molly
snail - Peek-a-boo
red eared slider - Jub Jub
chinchilla - Rascal
cat - Shaboo
Pitbull x Rotti puppy - Roxy ( already named)
It was neat to see by reading everyone else's names that my daughter shares her name with a horned lizard and a budgie.
My dog is named Tia and Boa is called Nyoka. I used to a lot more but currently thats it! Oh well, very soon there wil be more:)
07-14-03, 11:06 AM
Where to start !!!
*Horse : Scheherazod (teller of the Arabian Nights Tales).
*Dogs : North (already named), Scrappy (already named) & Keesha (daughter named).
*Cats : Sassy (daughter named) & Arnold Schwartzenneger (a huge fluffy, whimpy tomcat).
*Rabbits : Bunny (daughter named) & Stewart Little (already named).
*Chinchillas : Emily & Lisa (R.I.P.Lisa)(both named by my daughter).
*Hamsters : White Cloud & Ruby Red (R.I.P.Ruby)(both my daughter's).
*Red-eared sliders : Gus & Chase (already named).
*American/Fowler's toad : Timmy (named by daughter).
*Corn snakes : Larriatta, Curlie & Moe (I'll take the blame here !).
*Goldfish : Goldy, Bubbles, PJ, Pearl, Mr.Calico, Buster, Leo & Bobby. (named by both of us).
*African dwarf frogs : Hopper & Leaper (named by daughter).
*Loaches : Flash, Hide, Bozo, Chuckles & Smiles. (guilty).
*Snails : all named Snail. (guilty).
*Platties : Sunset & Dusk. (guilty).
*Mollies : Spic, Span & Silver. 9guilty).
*Swordtails : No & Maybe (long story).
07-14-03, 11:56 AM
Snow Cornsnake (f) - Stitch
Normal Cornsnake (m) - Stiv
Normal Cornsnake (f) - Kay
Columbian Rainbow Boa (m) - Hunter
Savannah Monitor (f) - Dusk
Ball Python (m) - Samhain
Garden Phase Amazon Tree Boa (m) - Hayden
Garden Phase Amazon Tree Boa (f) - Damia
Kenyan Sandboa (m) - Freddy
Tokay Gecko (m) - Tokay
Crested Geckos (2 2 month old babies) - Unnamed yet.
Green Anoles (3 m) - Larry, Curly and Moe
Coastal Carpet Python (m) - Dani
Flat-Coated Retriever (m dog) - Bear
i believe thats all :/
07-14-03, 01:11 PM
My snakes are called Akasha and Armand (from the vampire chronicles)
My rabbit is called Rabbit
and my cat is called Lucy!
07-14-03, 01:28 PM
Hogg isl. Boas : Phantom & Meduza
Ball pythons : Sphinxx & Khian
Mtn. Dragons : Spike & Corona
Green tree Agamas : Neon & Matrix
Jungle carpet python : Volcano
Savannah monitor : Daphne
Cat : Iris
dwarf Rabbit : Bottine
That should be it!
07-14-03, 02:04 PM
Here are mine
Pit bull: Kali
Ball python: Misss Prisss
Red slider turtles: Thelma and louise
Betta: Blue Crush
black lab-Dags
russian blue cats-Nani & Bubs
ball pythons-Titus & Fingers
albino burm-Luna or Peaches
(blk)variable king-Angel
giant african black millis-milli & vanilli
100 milli babies- stinky stuff
07-15-03, 09:41 PM
This is Rocket.
07-16-03, 12:20 PM
My dog and my companion is named Jodie/Jody. She is a mutt (lol). Her mother ia....well, who knows (had border collie, lab...and more) and her dad is a Newfoundland.
I have a male beardie named Spike, a "disabled" beardie named Prince, a patternless male leo named Anubis, a male african house snake named Nyumba (swahilli for house), and 1.1 Northern velvet geckos who are nameless (any suggestions would be great).
Sean :D
01-14-04, 02:48 AM
new name to add to the list... about 4 months ago i bought a baby ball python.. named him Sith
01-14-04, 07:45 AM
We share the 3 dogs with my mom and dad couldn't just pick one to take lol...Kia Bouvier, Kasha Chow chow, Dingo Australian Cattle dog. My daughter's siamese cat is Cloe.
White's tree frogs, Kermit & froggy
Emp Scorpion, Scorpie (my son named it lol)
Uro, Spikes
Rosey, Charlotte
bloodred corn, Dragula
Caramel, Hagatha
Amel corn, Jules
Red albino, Ruby
unsure of phase corn, Bandit
Bp's are Peaches & Pumpikin head (butt head is what my son calls him and really wanted to name he's only 4)
Sumatran High Yellow Blood Python, Precious
I think i got all of them.
Laura-Lee L & kiddies
My pet names are:
Childerns pyhton-Keilanna
Ball python-Azreal
Leopard geckos-Chequita
And that's it for now, I am still working on some names for my two red eyes and pac man frogs:)
01-14-04, 11:40 AM
Wow, I can't believe I missed a pet name thread!
1.0 Ball Python--Damballah (voodoo god/goddess)
0.1 Ball Python--Prana------- Breath of life
0.1 Motley Amel Corn Snake--Charulata---Beautiful creeper (vine, as in plant)
0.1 cat---teagan (it's an irish name I can't remember the meaning)
0.1 dog--Bella (aka boo-boo)
0.1 dog Akasha (I can't remember the meaning!)
1.0 rat--Aiden (irish for fire, it's a Pink Eyed White)
0.1 rat- Cree (irish for heart, beige)
0.1 Blue Silver Marten Rabbit ---Calliope
I don't think I missed anyone.........
I also have a 1.2 rat group that is named Breakfast (male rat) the females are lunch and dinner, and any babies they have are called "The Snacks in between". lol
01-14-04, 01:33 PM
LoL, Sapphire you named your rat after me? lol, My name is spelled Aidan though, I'm impressed you did the research on the background. Here are mine:
Male emperor scorpion named Anubis, a female named Artemis, a pregnant emperor name Isis, a one inch baby named loki, and a miniature schnauzer named Zorro.
01-14-04, 01:36 PM
I'm also getting 3 emperors, 2 babycurus jacksoni, 2 avicularia avicularia, and one hadrurus arizonensis I want to name. I know that one of the Emps will be Apollo and another one Cerridwyn... Still thinking of one for the third. I'm thinking of naming the Desert Hairy Silver.
01-14-04, 01:40 PM
cool, We always try to find out what the names mean. The reason his name is Aidan is because his eyes are fire Aidan it was. :)
I still like my feeders names.....breakfast lunch and diner, all the babies are "the snacks inbetween." lol. Those ones won't be kept as pets as the other pair will be (but hey, when they die of natural causes they won't go to waste they will be fed to the snakes.....)
01-16-04, 11:00 AM
Ok, here are mine:
Male BP - 8Ball
Fem BCI - Cleo
Crestie - Draco
Leos - Zipper and Freckles
Rats - Minnie and Skittles
MC (deceased)
Midnight (Deceased)
Scruffy (Deceased)
01-16-04, 04:00 PM
i am prolly getting a corn tomorow that wil be=cosby
dog= monti
01-16-04, 11:21 PM
I keep large lizards with short names...
Wing and soon to come...
01-17-04, 03:51 AM
LOL... this is hilarious. I posted back when I only had 4 snakes... LOL... here's the revised list:
3.3 BCI - Anubis, Hera, Hades, Athena, Zeus, Aphrodite
0.2 Columbian Rainbow Boas - Galadriel, Arwen
2.2 Kenyans - Mickey, Mallory, Westley, Buttercup (Westley soon to go to my lovely daughter)
1.1 Ball Pythons - Damian, Lilith
1.1 Spotted Pythons - Colwyn, Lyssa
1.1 Macklotts Pythons - Osiris, Isis
0.1 Blood Python - Nefertiti
1.1 CalKing (0.1 Menedota Type) - Merlin, Igraine
1.1 Sinaloan Milks - Arthur, Guenevere
5.3 Corns (Normal, Snow, Ghost) - Morpheus, Neo, Trinity, Raistlin, Caramon, Kitiara, Goldmoon, Tasslehoff
0.1 Bibrons Gecko - Liriel
0.1 Chilean Rosehair Tarantula - Emily
0.0.1 Emperor Scorp - Diablo
0.1 Valley Girl - Katilyn Ashey Aurora Diamond (my wonderful daughter.) :D
0.1 Dragon lady - Erin (I MIGHT mean that as a pun...) :D
01-17-04, 09:44 AM
Dog - Cocoa
Cats - Angel, Jake, and Henry
Leopard Geckos - Molly and Peaches
Blue Tongued Skink - Bubba
Ornate Box Turtle - Tina
01-17-04, 10:07 AM
Ok, I won't go through the ENTIRE list of all the kids, but I have to share this one:
A snake named BAM -- stands for Big *** M_______ (that's what I get for letting my boyfriend name one, lol!!)
Gary D.
01-17-04, 11:25 AM
Arg. Tegu: Buddy
Boas (ssp): Ben, Bathsheba (Beth), Berneice, Bossk, Bea, Bianca, Belloq, Biv (Roy G), Bean, (2 Bcc yet un-named), neonate offspring B1-24, BB1-35, b1-14, etc...
Pythons:Bond, Berber, (1 un-named BP)
Colubrids: Billy Bones
Chameleons: Buttons, Bows
1.1 Children: Brent & Bailey
You've probably noticed they all start with 'B'. I tell you it's getting tougher to come up with decent B names. It is a running joke in our house. You see, when we had hamsters, fish, etc. that did not have a B name they all passed on in relatively short order. But anything named with a B thrived. We joked about exceeding our bioquotient, and theorised that the fates did not notice that there was more than one animal as long as it was named with a 'B'. (You will note the the un-named animals are the Ball Python, BCCF01, and BCCM02).
01-17-04, 09:35 PM
Candy Cane Corn: Peppermint
Normal Corn: Guttata
Ball Python: Ade
Leo Gecko: Pardus
Bearded Dragon: Vito
Marbled Gecko: Paddy
Pink and white shorthair cat: Strawberry
My cal kingsnake and beauty snake don't have names yet but they will.
01-17-04, 10:44 PM
I can't belive it Fire Tigress,
My first snake:
Ball Python Male: Ade (West African for Royal One) :(
Ball Python Female : Tiombe (West African for Shy) a rescue
Lucy Texas Rat Male: Unega (Texas Cherokee for White)
Bearded Dragon Female: Evangeline (Longfellows poem)
01-17-04, 10:58 PM
1.2 leos: Rafiki, Nala and Simba
0.0.1 Fantoed gecko: Zazu
1.0 vailed: Milo
little bit of a theam...
I have 2. The Big Guy, and Minicat. Mini is like a smaller version of the Big Guy.
Both 100% black.
Good Kids :w
01-18-04, 01:38 AM
1.0 leo named Commodore
01-18-04, 09:24 AM
Wow scalawag, thats pretty cool. =^-^= I'll tell ya what my names mean to
Candy Cane Corn: Peppermint (pretty obvious I'd say)
Normal Corn: Guttata (part of the scientific name for corns)
Ball Python: Ade (West African for Royal One)
Leo Gecko: Pardus (Part of the scientific name for spotted leopards, you know, the big cat)
Bearded Dragon: Vito (Stands for Vitticeps, Scientific name yeah)
Marbled Gecko: Paddy (sister's idea, I think its for his sticky toe pads)
Pink and white shorthair cat: Strawberry (beacuse she's pink. Duh)
Im thinking of nameing my beauty snake either Kuaiju which is Chinese for quick fast or Taen for their scientific name.
01-18-04, 02:07 PM
Awesome Fire Tigress. I like how you think!
I'm trying to remember
What I'm trying to forget.
01-18-04, 02:24 PM
Tank - APBT
Jesus - APBT (deceased)
Siren - Shih Tzu
Blue - betta
Red - betta
Toby - feeder
F*cker - red and black fantail
Cheche - Peach faced love bird
Bindi - budgie (deceased)
Agro - budgie (deceased, killed by Tank)
Lucky - budgie
All the others:
Sid - green iguana
Bobbi-Jo - green iguana
Chester the molester - veiled chameleon
Mary-Jane - chilean rose hair tarantula
I think thats it. My store has a baby degu that was born with only one eye, so I might bring him home and his name will be Pirate................:D
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