View Full Version : haha Lazy BP.

09-16-03, 04:44 PM
Last night I was feeding Eight some smaller leftover mice I have. So I had three to feed her. Anyways I fed her one, (which takes her a long time because she likes to stare at it for a good 15 minutes before eating) and then got invited to go to dinner. So I figured I would just forget the other two mice and leave.

When I came home like two hours later I realized I hadn't even shut her rubbermaid lid. It was just sitting there open partially, and partially balanced on top. Where was she?

Sitting right in her hiding spot like she could care less about escaping LOL!!!

Lucky me! Won't be doing that again, but they sure are lazy sometimes.


09-16-03, 05:12 PM
Wow your lucky, if i did that with mine he would be long gone.

09-16-03, 06:06 PM
if my ball ever got out of the tank my parents would have me killed :p I got it about a week ago and they didnt like the idea of a snake in the house, i owned only lizards before, and when i got it my mom was pretty pissed but my dad didnt mind to much..they only thing he said is if that snake gets out your DEAD! So i tape all my possible escape holes now :D

09-16-03, 06:41 PM
Hey if her cage is set up right (which it must be) why would she want to leave? lol

09-16-03, 08:27 PM
good thing she'd just been fed! she was probably too full to move. lucky, lucky! :D

09-16-03, 08:33 PM
Yea my guys dont like moving after eating but any other time the tanls left open(even closed sometimes) and they want out.

09-17-03, 10:13 AM
HAHA Eight is just lazy....when I clean out her cage, I normally take her out in her hide spot, place the hide spot somewhere in eyeshot and clean the cage. Sometimes I just leave her there, she never comes out. LOL.

haha my cornsnakes would be gone in a second.


09-18-03, 04:11 AM
You are lucky. If my BP ever got out, he'd be long gone. I should have called him Recon because he is always checking everything out when he is out with me. Lol.

09-18-03, 09:54 AM
Oh if I had done that my snakes would be LONG gone........like in the belly of my cat!!!!!!