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09-16-03, 01:54 PM
I think I am an involuntary flatus odor judge at work...

Job As Flatus Odor Judge Really Stinks

Do you think your job stinks? You could be a Flatus Odor Judge.
That's just one of several of the Worst Jobs in Science according to the editors of "Popular Science" magazine, who just compiled the list for the latest issue.

Topping the chart for worst jobs are the odor judges at a Minneapolis gastroenterologist -- they're are paid to smell people's farts to determine potentially critical medical symptoms.

The second crappiest science job is being a Dysentery Stool-Sample Analyzer. That's a person who opens stool canisters and analyzes feces to test the effectiveness of the kit.

Meanwhile, the Barnyard Masturbator, a researcher who collects semen for insemination purposes, comes in third, beating out jobs like Prison Rape Researcher, Carcass Cleaner and Fish Counter.

Link: http://www.ncbuy.com//news/wireless_news.html?qdate=2003-09-16&nav=VIEW&id=56RG2796E8S030916

09-16-03, 02:19 PM
Smelling farts is a rough thing to do all day no question about that. Have you ever worked at McDonalds though? The smell is every bit as bad and it pays probably a small fraction of what the stink judges make. On top of that you have a**hole customers bitching cuz you forgot their precious pickle while you were serving the grease burgers at a rate of 3 a minute while some dickhead, slave driving manager (in his GREEN golf shirt denoting his superior rank) threatens to fire you several times a shift. I'd rather clean corpses or collect semen with my tongue. And then there's Walmart....

09-17-03, 12:35 AM
How does a person get trained for a job like that???

09-17-03, 02:52 AM
ever watched the movie 'bio-dome' ?? lol ::sniff sniff:: "bacon.......egg.....toast.... is that what you had for breakfast??... oooh!! i smell banana!!"

09-17-03, 06:28 AM
Oh it's easy, just walk 2 blocks in any direction and you'll find a McDonalds. Go in and fill out an application. LOL