View Full Version : HISS in the Hills Fall counts

Scales Zoo
09-16-03, 10:32 AM
October 3,4 and 5

We have a BBQ and tour of Scales Zoo on Friday night, and a road cruise (weather permitting) for snakes and other wildlife.

Saturday is spent at the densites with bag lunches, followed by a banquet and social evening of slide shows and story telling.

Sunday provides more opportunity to visit the densites again, as well as several local tourist attractions and wildlife areas.

Those interested may sign up by email at thesnakepeople@sasktel.net or by calling Ryan and Sheila at 306-628-3255

Retic chic
10-02-03, 07:21 AM
We have been doing evening counts at the densite, and there are baby rattlers everywhere. With a forecast for sunshine on Saturday and Sunday, we expect to find many specimens out basking. So far we have found rattlers, bulls and garters at the densite, and a couple of hognose in a totally different area - these were actually found by accident while prowling old farmyards.