Scales Zoo
09-16-03, 10:22 AM
October 3,4 and 5
These are the dates for the final fall snake count. The rattlers and bulls, along with a few garters are making their way back to the dens. Join us for a weekend of BBQ and bag lunch at the densites, and a banquet and social evening on Saturday. There is NO CHARGE for the tour, just the costs involved in getting yourself out here. We provide camping and bunkhouse style accommodations, and hotel accommodations are available at a discounted rate. We have had visitors from Alberta to Australia attend, and there are fabulous opportunities to watch and photograph these serpents in their native habitat.
To sign up, or for more info, email or call Ryan and Sheila at 306-628-3255
These are the dates for the final fall snake count. The rattlers and bulls, along with a few garters are making their way back to the dens. Join us for a weekend of BBQ and bag lunch at the densites, and a banquet and social evening on Saturday. There is NO CHARGE for the tour, just the costs involved in getting yourself out here. We provide camping and bunkhouse style accommodations, and hotel accommodations are available at a discounted rate. We have had visitors from Alberta to Australia attend, and there are fabulous opportunities to watch and photograph these serpents in their native habitat.
To sign up, or for more info, email or call Ryan and Sheila at 306-628-3255