View Full Version : Can't get any dumber or crueller than this guy...

09-16-03, 12:26 AM
My blood is boiling after reading this news story...


I can't believe this idiot hasn't been charged, I hate Quebec laws regarding animal welfare. It's really got to change...


09-16-03, 12:49 AM
omg, what a moron... i hope that bear gets to his mother!!! and for this Ryan guy i wish he was thrown in jail or something worse... what a moron, saving the children BS bears dont go up to schools and hurt children.... the children have to do what Ryan did to the bear to make it in a angry rage.....

Tim and Julie B
09-16-03, 12:50 AM
Moron!:toilet: Someone needs to dunk his a** a few times.

09-16-03, 12:57 AM
I can't belive this man. Let's hope he hasn't bred or ever has kids. I'd do much more than dunk him. Also why didn't the Wildlife Officers take the bear back to the area where it was abducted? My distain for humans increases.

09-16-03, 02:20 AM
Can I put a rope around his neck and drag him around the lake a couple pf times? PLEASE and then submerge his head to keep him sustained?

09-16-03, 02:36 AM
Well...this isnt the first time ive heard this today....I still can't belive it any time i read it :( Anyone have a good size anaconda thas hungry?!?!...this man should be fed!!! :)

09-16-03, 03:21 AM
3 words.............I hate people (stupid ones)


09-16-03, 05:52 AM
"I was never mean to the bear. There was a couple of times I wanted to hit him over the head with a pipe or something but I didn't do that," Mr. Ryan said.

ummm lets do to him what he did to this poor little bear, then we can ask him if we were mean to him. a few times reading this i would've like to have fed him to a grizz.

Mr. Ryan says if he sees more bears heading into town, he'll try to abduct them too.

"If I get a chance, I'll do it again. I think a bear would make a good pet."

if you admit you'll do something again, you should be charged for x2 the crime!! (lets drive him around the lake twice!!)

09-16-03, 06:23 AM
can you say redneck?

09-16-03, 06:24 AM
What an ***. Someone needs to dunk his head under water.....then hold it there.


09-16-03, 07:04 AM
Come to think of it, I've always wanted a moron as a pet. Yep, that's it! I'll abduct him in a "nice" way of course (he,he,he) and that way I'll be helping the local population from being subjected to total idiocy.

I wonder, how much space does a moron need for an enclosure?


P.S. Seriously though, I can't believe the wildlife agents didn't do anything. There are very few laws protecting animals in Quebec and this case is one of the few where those laws apply and they still haven't?!! What the heck are they waiting for????? ARgh!

09-16-03, 07:24 AM
That is ABSOLUTELY F***ING DISGUSTING! Screw dunking him, I'm gonna go over there and give him to the mother bear, let's see what she thinks of all this.


09-16-03, 08:37 AM
that is some seriously screwed up :toilet: I'm surprised he wasn't arrested and questioned on the spot!! That cub should be returned to where it was found....Not only is the hick an idiot so is the authority! Gawd I'm ashamed to be human in such light!!

09-16-03, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by Pixie

I wonder, how much space does a moron need for an enclosure?

why, how bigs the trunk of your car? hehehe

09-16-03, 08:44 AM
I can't belive they let this guy go. He should be the one they keep away from children. Yikes lets hope he doesn't have kids or that someone like him never will!!!

09-16-03, 09:06 AM
Yeah I read about this in the paper and saw the photo of him with the bear cub. Bloody disgusting. The law needs to come down hard on people like this. That bear will not survive the winter without its mother so basically he just illegally killed a bear.

I believe this happened in Wakefield and thats not too far from me and I go canoeing and kayaking there sometimes... if I had seen this bloke doing this he would have been in for a serious beating. Put some stinging nettles in his underwear and give him a wedgie!

Wuntu Menny
09-16-03, 10:00 AM
Oh, the things I would do to a guy like that. I'll just add him to my list and make more room in the cellar...


09-16-03, 10:35 AM
That guy is lucky... and I mean he better thank his lucky stars EVERY night... that I don't live in Quebec. I've always said that the world needs a good vigilante. Maybe Quebec would be a good place to start.

09-16-03, 11:13 AM
What a looser. They ought to dunk him under water and drag his stupid @ss behind a jet ski and then tie him to a tree for the cubs mother to deal with. This idiot should be in jail.

09-16-03, 12:31 PM
Thats horrible, I hope someone wastes that mother F****R.

09-16-03, 12:32 PM
Anyone want to copy and paste the article for me? The site doesnt want to completly load for me.. Thanks

09-16-03, 12:58 PM
I have looked up the email address where complaints can be sent. I know I am writing and I urge every Canadian to do so. I know it may not have taken place in your province but the laws in Quebec regarding animal welfare are so few that it is absolutely discusting that they don't even enfore the few they do have.

If people don't speak up, this thing will just get swept under the carpet and forgotten which is the worse possible outcome...


Thank you,

09-16-03, 01:02 PM
Lets get togethr and dunk his head I will holed him you rip him a new a$$ hole

09-16-03, 01:32 PM
I can't even express myself properly because no words in the dictionary can portray what this man has done. Disgusting! What the hell is wrong with the laws out there anyways? Do they not have any cruelty laws????? :confused: Out here they finally passed some good laws... people can be tried with the same as abuse against people... you can get a life sentence for animal abuse now! A $2000 fine for breaking a hunting permit??? That's a bunch of shyte... what about the poor animal and the moron repsonsible for it all :mad: I hope the poor little guy survives... don't know how great of a chance he has at that small size :( Why would the wildlife officials release it?

I'll definitely be writing in. Just a reminder too... points are more well received when they do not include swearing and threats ;)

Originally posted by Pixie
Come to think of it, I've always wanted a moron as a pet. Yep, that's it! I'll abduct him in a "nice" way of course (he,he,he) and that way I'll be helping the local population from being subjected to total idiocy.

I wonder, how much space does a moron need for an enclosure?

That's a great plan! Go to it! :D

09-16-03, 01:39 PM
Thankyou for the PM Pixie.

The woodsman, who makes his living cutting and planting trees, said he intended to keep the cub on a leash at home to see if he could tame it before releasing it back into the wilderness with the hope it would return for visits.

He also said he wanted to keep the bear out of the village to spare children from being attacked.

Hmm, sounds like case of a splendid contridiction..
Also, if I were the bear, I'd come back.. Nothing sikes me out more than being taken from my mother, dunked half to death, tackled, tied up and hanging from my nape.. And by God, I'd for sure come back if I were kept on a leash.. Who wouldn't?

The wildlife officers captured the bear and released it into the woods as an orphan near Montebello. They left plenty of food and water nearby and tagged the bear.

Smart idea considering the animal is 10 months to young to leave the mother.. Are there no rehabs in the area?
Oddly enough he wasn't charged with anything, after admitting to it all, yet I know a herper who was charged housing a retic in a restricted zone, which was properly kept and cared for.. Funny how that works out..

09-16-03, 01:52 PM
The law needs to come down hard on people like this.
I mean he better thank his lucky stars EVERY night... that I don't live in Quebec.
They ought to dunk him under water and drag his stupid @ss behind a jet ski
I hope someone wastes that mother F****R.
What the hell is wrong with the laws out there anyways?

guys, if this guy wants to keep trying to catch a bear cub, then let him. Before long an old momma bear is going to teach him a lesson much worse then any of us or the law could ever teach him. This is a legitimate photo of a bear attack victim. I took the liberty of censoring the genitals as some kids read this forum, but you get the idea. These bears have a protection mechanism in place that predates any laws and given time it will come full circle to the woodsmen. =)

09-16-03, 01:57 PM
Yeah I got that whole email a few months ago! I had no idea bears got that huge! I mean the bear's head alone was larger than the entire ranger that shot it! :eek:

09-16-03, 02:12 PM
WTF?! Lets go tie him by his leg, drag him in water, hit him a few tiems with a jet ski..........Ohhhh if killing stupid people were legal.....

09-16-03, 02:29 PM
i dont believe it...i think that sounds way too chesy to be a true story...a guy would never admit to dooing that it has to be fake.

09-16-03, 02:58 PM
you have no idea how daft some people can be, really
This guy has to be one lonesome fellow, to even try and keep a bear as a pet. Just freaky.
Maybe if he sets a bear trap would help us all, cause he is probably stupid enough to walk in it himself, *******

09-16-03, 04:03 PM
The times when you don't have a gun...don't you hate the jerk

Bryce Masuk
09-16-03, 04:10 PM
What R@tard Hopefully when he goes for the next bear He end's up dead The article I am Sure made it look worse then it was though

09-16-03, 05:10 PM
WOW! Crazy stuff! I can't believe this guy, attempted murder I'd charge this guy with, and if the bear dies, murder! I also agree let's go take this guy out in the lake run over him a few times with water skiis, dunk him a few dozen times and try to convince him we weren't trying to hurt him. HA! Keeping a bear as a pet to try and tame it so it may come back to visit you? Not only by keeping it would it have little to no skills in the wild, it would only be used to humans which wouldn't be good for them either! This Ryan guy has to be one of the stupidest human beings on the earth, and to get away with that crap, sickening! Let's just say if I saw some lunatic doing that, he would be stopping pretty quick after I do 10x worse to him what he did to the bear...amazing! sigh....sad story, hopefully the bear makes out alright and as for that guy...I hope justice is served to him in which ever way it comes...mama bear visiting him...one could only wish.


09-16-03, 05:38 PM
Before long an old momma bear is going to teach him a lesson much worse then any of us or the law could ever teach him.

Chuck, I do agree.. However, after the guy is mauled, rightfully, then the hunt will be on the bears. Nearly everytime there's a bear attack or pretty much any animal, they somehow figure out which animal is the "Guilty" one and destroy it, normally after several other animals are killed.. Like say the recent attempts in Fl. where 7 gators were killed before the right one..

09-16-03, 05:49 PM
I think hed make a good pet...in jail..for a 300lb guy named Buddy Bear :-D

09-16-03, 06:08 PM
Words are failing to express my anger at this jackass. They charged him with breaking a HUNTING law? For what he did that's laughable. Quebec really needs to toughen up on their wildlife protection laws. When I can do it without swearing or name calling, I'm going to send an email to the address Pixie found. I hope everyone else does too.

As for keeping morons as pets, if we go by half again as big as the IQ, I think we're looking at a trio of idiots comfortably sharing a film cannister...

09-16-03, 10:49 PM
In the immortal words of Daffy Duck,

"Shoot him! Shoot him now!!!"

09-16-03, 11:25 PM
Maybe Buddy Bear will grow up, and go looking for him. What comes around goes around, I always say.

09-16-03, 11:25 PM


09-17-03, 09:18 PM
Lets get momma bear on his ***! lol.. i am sure she would have killed him..... rip his face off or something. No animal deserves what that cub went thru.

09-17-03, 11:03 PM
He isn't the brightest spark and I think Father Darwin will get him sooner or later (hopefuly sooner). Here is another article on the guy. I was doing a search on google hoping his address would come up (nothing on canada411.ca).


09-18-03, 04:40 AM
I heard on the radio that the bear was not dropped off in he Montebello area aas originally reported, but in fact was taken to a rescue care facility somewhere in Central Ontario. I have'nt heard anything further, anybody else have any fresh info?

09-18-03, 04:51 AM
Jim - front page of todays ottawa citizen :) fresh info! :)

09-18-03, 08:53 AM
Lets get momma bear on his ***! lol.. i am sure she would have killed him..... rip his face off or something.
Brit, you are a little to violent. Chill, or I will have to put you in the ring! =)

09-18-03, 09:20 AM
That is so sick! I cannot belive the stupidity of some people. I think Pixie has a good idea, abduct him and save the rest of the world's population from at least one more idiot!
Wildlife should seriously charge him alot more and do something more, he said he would happily do it again. What an idiot!!!!!!

09-18-03, 04:50 PM
What an a$$hole! Too bad the mother of that cub didn't catch him and rough him up. I can't believe he only got a fine for that! That's digusting! :mad:

09-18-03, 04:58 PM
I would have ran this guy's head over with my jetski if I saw him. What a moron. How can you act like an animal is an object.