View Full Version : Favorite tv show.

09-15-03, 10:16 PM
What is your favorite tv show Mine is the simpsons. do they have simpsons in canada?

09-15-03, 10:21 PM
No, we dont even have running water up here.. What is this 'Simpsons' you speak of??

09-15-03, 10:26 PM

I like the show (Snake Wranglers) And (Family Guy)


09-15-03, 10:28 PM
I have to say my fav show is soccer saturday on ctv sportsnet.


09-15-03, 10:36 PM
You dont have the simpsons up there o man. Do you have seinfeld? King of the hill?

09-15-03, 10:39 PM
o and the simpsons is a famous show its in drawings. It curses sometimes its way popular if you ask someone in america about the simpons about the simpsons theyll know who they are if you live in america and say oyu dont know who the simpsons are its like sayin whos tupac? what the internet? the simpsons are big in America has a record for most episodes also.

09-15-03, 10:41 PM
xxbad...He was J/K....lol

We get the Simpsons in Canada


09-15-03, 10:44 PM
The "Internet"???

Now you've lost me....

09-15-03, 10:50 PM
oh boy lol...i heard its the last season for the simpson family. is this true?

09-15-03, 10:54 PM
Brandon you shouldn't have told him! =o
I mostly watch Discovery, History Chan, Animal Planet, and National Geographic Explorer on MSNBC. TV turned into a learning tool, imagine that. For comedy it's Reno 911. F'n hilarious!

09-15-03, 10:59 PM
i like the show Monster Garage. esp when they do something really good and challenging. I also love Whos Line is it Anyway, and MadTV, etc..

09-15-03, 11:00 PM
LMAO on the Simpson's thing... hehehehe...

Anyways... some favourites of mine are CSI, ER, Friends, Trading Spaces...

09-15-03, 11:00 PM
Watching Monster Garage as i type this El Camino figure 8 racer.

09-15-03, 11:02 PM

09-15-03, 11:03 PM
ok it wasnt that funny it was a little you got me ha ha. But hey are the simpsons big in canada? mad tv is funny stuart lol

09-15-03, 11:22 PM
Monster garage (Jessie James) is going to start another show about custom Choppers in Dec '03


09-15-03, 11:33 PM
they have a bit of the same thing right now dont they? or at least a few episodes during this one week in the summer, him and a team put together a bike.

09-15-03, 11:36 PM
Simpsons and Trailer Park Boys are my definite favourites.

Simpsons is every bit as huge as it is done there. Who knows, maybe even more? :p:p

Scotty Allen
09-16-03, 03:43 AM
I watch TV two hours a week, OZ on Friday nights, Six Feet Under on Sundays.

09-16-03, 04:08 AM
I watch "That 70's Show", Malcolm in the Middle and if I can get my coat hanger antenna on top of my igloo adjusted just right I watch the Simpsons too.
Life up here in the Great White North sure can be tough!
Maybe one day we'll actually get Cable T.V.

09-16-03, 05:41 AM
I was going to list some of my favorite oldies...well what the hell...here's a few: Magnum PI, Northern Exposure, Seinfeld, X-Files, Hercules, Star Trek (original).

Some newer ones: 70's show, Malcom in the middle, Frasier, Friends, Crocodile Hunter.

Still waiting for some of those older ones to get put on dvd box set collections.


09-16-03, 05:44 AM
Sorry... my connection keeps going out, my wires keep freezing to the side of my igloo :\

Anyway, my favourite show is by far The Sopranos. I can't wait for this next season to start... AND I can't wait to see this new show on HBO... "Carnivale!" Anyone else heard of it ?


09-16-03, 07:08 AM
Yeah the Simpsons are pretty big up here, been a hit to us Canuck since it started ;)

My faves are the Law & Order series, can't get enough of that show! I'm a sucker for Survivor and the rest is shows on the discovery, documentary and other channels of the likes.


09-16-03, 07:08 AM
OMG, I can't believe I forgot Star Trek!!!

TNG & Voyager. Yes I'm a geek :D


09-16-03, 09:05 AM
my favs r, American pop idiots, pop idiots and big brugger.lol
but seriosly i like Red Drawf, Game On, Dilbert and the simpsons

Burns:"Thats right, keep eating, little do you know your drawing ever closer to the poisoned doughnut.... There is a poisoned doughnut isnt there smithers?"
"err, no sir, I spoke to our lawyer's and they consider it murder"

09-16-03, 09:14 AM
i have the EXACT same interests as enso.
tv is a learning tool for me, and its not just reno 911, its the
entire spike tv channel!

GI Joe
09-16-03, 09:21 AM
As much as my wife hates it - TLC, Discovery and Animal Planet. She complains all the time about me watching animal shows and what a waste of time that is but she'll watch 20 straight episodes of Law and Order.

We just set up my office in the house (or since I live in Georgia you probably assumed it was a trailer - Springer Rocks). I now have my satellite TV, Snakes, Computer, bed, and a recliner in one room. It's guy heaven.

09-16-03, 10:23 AM
Favorite TV show of all time, bar none: Alias!

Other faves: CSI, CSI:Miami, Trading Spaces, Secrets of Forensic Science, Scrubs (Funniest show in history), WWE Wrestling (both brands).

And, like katev17, I'm very much looking forward to Carnivale. That looks like a WEIRD show.

09-16-03, 10:39 AM
wow, im not the only that admits to watching Trading Spaces.... What about 'While you were out'??

The O.C
The Wire
That 70's Show

The only thing that can make me not watch any of those shows on any given day.. Maple Leafs Hockey!!! that reminds me.. Second period is about to start.. ;)

09-16-03, 10:43 AM
Seinfeld and NYPD Blue.

09-16-03, 11:29 AM
so many to choose from...its going to be hard...im glued to my tv seeing as here in canada it just came out this year...AND ITS IN COLOUR! its just so hard for shippers to skate them into stores here....;) heheh sorry i had to...ANYWAYS
Yes....Simpsons are good...sienfeld!! uhmm...Law and order.....Anything on animal Planet (esp animal cops hehe) i like the comedy channle also :) and ill admit i use to watch X-files!!! Thats all i can think of for now :)

Colonel SB
09-16-03, 11:50 AM
WWE Raw & Smackdown

09-16-03, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
wow, im not the only that admits to watching Trading Spaces.... What about 'While you were out'??

I love that one too. But Trading Spaces is still way better. :)

Solid Snake
09-16-03, 12:14 PM
the simpsons will keep going, go to google and type in simpsons episode list and they have like 30 eps comming up... thats like an extra 2 more seasons... they wont stop! they're making so much money!

09-16-03, 12:25 PM
Two shows - Six Feet Under and Scrubs - don't get Oz but wish we did - it would be on the list too - have to get the DVDs. Alias and 24 make our list too,

mary v.

09-16-03, 12:52 PM
I love the adult oriented cartoons like south park, Simpson’s, king of the hill, family guy, and yes beavis and butt head.

For si-fi, I was really into Highlander. “There can be only one.”

And of course like to watch wrestling on TV. Invictus, you have the look. You should let me train you. Will be training Barry, aka Fatboy soon was we put the snakes down for winter. Come on down!

09-16-03, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by SCReptiles
And of course like to watch wrestling on TV. Invictus, you have the look. You should let me train you. Will be training Barry, aka Fatboy soon was we put the snakes down for winter. Come on down!

Well, thanks for the offer, but did you forget that I live in the Wrestling capital of the world? :) We have Stu Hart's Dungeon here. And, I would train, but with my physical problems, I'd end up a vegetable in no time. I suppose I could be one of those yappy managers though. Maybe I'll be the next Eric Bischoff. :)

09-16-03, 01:22 PM
OooOOooo forgot about South Park! Doi... I've got the first season in my VCR right now :p Geez... must've been half asleep when I wrote my first reply :o Matlock and Colombo are up there too!

Those are just the top favourites, I still regularily watch other shows like That 70's Show, CSI/CSI Miami, Blind Date, Murder She Wrote, Days of Our Lives, Passions, and all sorts of stuff on the discovery channel and tlc.

09-16-03, 03:12 PM
Johnny Quest.......great cartoon.....

09-16-03, 03:51 PM
best show is sopranos (except last season...that one wasn't as good)

09-16-03, 04:11 PM
Big brother is one of my favorites been watching it the past 4 seasons.

Others are CSI las vegas Miami sucks, Law and order, SG1, and a few others.

09-16-03, 08:38 PM
I know it's an old one but I would have to say Macgyver is my all time favorite.

Kyle Walkinshaw
09-16-03, 08:58 PM
#1 is without a doubt Family Guy! It just has so many totally random jokes. :) South Park, Simpsons, Seinfeld etc etc... I think I have every Family Guy and Southpark thats available on Kazaa:P LOL

09-16-03, 09:24 PM
Forgot the o.c it just got over maybe it hasnt played in canada but merissa might die. She wont though they wiouldnt kill of a main charecter.